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Posts posted by shanson

  1. It does not sound like you are in a good place at all right now. I understand how you feel, it can take up all your thoughts and put your life on hold etc.

    Having a transplant does not change your thinking and no matter how many people tell you about the waiting game, you do not realise how much you have to go through.

    There is little you should do right now or can do at this stage. Wait it out like we all have to. you will drive yourself crazy thinking like you are right now. It will get better and you really are only at the starting point.

    If you are feeling extremely depressed speak to someone, a friend or family. I was at that point and even my partner did not get what was wrong with me. Maybe a professional can help you with this?

  2. Thanks for that. Still have days where I think it looks terrible, but think that's just years of thinking that way. My friends and family don't comment on it even though they know I have had it done. Guess it makes me wonder if it was good or not, always good to hear from other people so thank you

  3. About 9 and a half months now. Meant to get some photos taken. Took these, they are not the best photos though. I have noticed the new hair is growing a darker colour than the rest of my hair and I hope to see an improvement on density before the 12 month point. The left side is a little thinner than the right but i was more bald on the right side before my fue.


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  4. Hello, from what I have looked into, Australia is a lot more expensive to have a hair transplant and the results are not the best at all. At this stage I would keep your options open and look around.

    I had my FUE done in Belgium at the start of this year. One the same day I had my Fue there was another guy there who was from Australia. He was having his second transplant with the same surgeon in Belgium. He had nothing good to say about australia with regards to quality and price. His hair looked great and he was having Fut for the second time.

    I am not sure which you are thinking of having done, speak to some doctors from quality clinics. It took me along time to decide where to go for mine.

  5. I'm now at 9 months. I don't run away from all cameras like i used to. Still hope that the hair fills in some more. at a distance it looks fine but up close its still a bit odd. Theres still gaps between the hair that i find draws attention ( well I notice it anyway) Don't really think my hair has changed much since the 6 month stage.



  6. i have the same opinion as most it seems. Looking at your hair in social situations there is NOTHING wrong with your hair. If I had your hair I would be one happy guy and never would have had to go through a transplant. Seriously stop with the transplant talk. I do wonder how you would be if you actually needed work doing. With a perfect hairline already I don't think any surgery would make you happy with it. Just enjoy it, I'd be over the moon with your hair.

  7. NO worries, I am glad i can help and give advise to other people.

    I also meant to include, I too did not really want to travel out of the UK. And Farjo is less than one hour away from me. I do think you should not limit yourself and look around Europe. Belgium was a short flight and it was not as bad as i thought flying back with my head how it was. Yes I had some odd looks but how i was feeling inside outweighed everything.

    If you decide on Farjo then great, but i would keep your options open to find the right surgeon for your case.

  8. Having read your post, a lot of what you have said is the same as what i have gone through/experienced.


    I first considered a hair transplant after seeing Transform on TV years ago. I did plenty of research and went to Transform for a consultation. Once i spoke to the Doctor, Mr Bhatty i think. I knew it was not the place for me to go. I had considered both FUT and FUE but decided on FUE. Mr Bhatty wanted to do FUT and the next minute I had a sales person trying to booking me in and pay a deposit. He recommended i had 900 grafts. This was much lower than other surgeons had said.


    I then went to Farjo and met with Mick and Dr Farjo. It was a great clinic and i left feeling more confident in having a hair transplant. In the end my decision was made similar to you. I hadnt seen enough FUE results and people i have spoken to didnt realise i could have FUE with Farjo.


    I looked into Belgium and went to see Jean Devroye. He informed me 2500 grafts would be suitable and i saw examples of his work and another guy having it done while i was there.


    When I had my hair shaved I actually liked it, having never shaved my hair before.


    I am now 7 months post op and have not worn Nanogen since my hair started to grow back after shedding.

  9. Thats tough to hear i imagine. The thing you could do is shave your hair down. I know I would never have considered this as i have never shaved my head before thinking it would look terrible. However when I went to have my hair transplant and had my hair shaved off, I actually liked it. It gave me some comfort that I can shave my hair if i wanted to.

    It could also take away those worries you have about your hair. It was a great feeling everyday not having to bother doing my hair. Give it a go see what you think, I know I would never have done it until I had to have it shaved.

    all the best

  10. I stayed red for 4 months or more. It does settle so i you should not worry about it. I know when i was a few months into it i was always worrying about every little thing. On a daily basis i kept looking even though i knew i had a long wait. I am now 7 months and theres a big difference. It honestly feels like longer but come month 4 things picked up. you look just like i did at the stage.





  11. This thread just seems to be going on and on without getting anywhere. I am perfectly happy with my FUE. I do not know if this thread is meant to be telling me that my FUE should be bad or inferior to FUT. I have been trying to keep track for a while but like i said it just goes on and on and on...

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