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Posts posted by nervousguy

  1. Congrats on your surgery. I don't really buy into shampoo doing a great deal as I have tried many over the years and just really think they are about keeping the hair and scalp clean. That said many guys use Nizoral once or twice a week alongside a normal shampoo as it has some anti dht qualities. Most clinics supply a shampoo for the first month or so but you need not feel bad about buying more from them.


    I use head and shoulders for men every other day or daily if I have been playing sport.



    Thanks man. Yeah, well anti DHT sounds good to me. I will probably purchase some Nizoral shampoo in the near future then. I have been keeping my hair and scalp really clean each day as well.

  2. I have been reading about ketoconozole and how it has helped some people immensely with their hair loss? Is this a really common thing or are these people the minority? I want to stay away from finisteride due to prostate cancer in the family and minoxidil has a lot of side effects as well (although I might try that in the future). Would a ketoconozole shampoo possibly have side effects as well or is this product a lot safer? I have been hearing a lot of good things about it and I hope that some people on here that know more about it than me can shed some light on it? I might be willing to use this alongside an organic shampoo that has keratin in it.

  3. It has been about a month since my HT with Dr. Meshkin and I have only been using organic shampoo and conditioner. I have been using this stuff my mom came across at some shop she was in. It is called Organix Brazilian Keratin Therapy Shampoo and Conditioner. It doesn't have any sulfates in it, which I'm trying to stay away from. I figure using standard shampoos with a ton of chemicals isn't a good idea. I feel that I should have purchased a recommended shampoo from Dr. Meshkin directly after my HT. I feel regret for not doing that. I plan to buy one of the shampoos that prevent hair loss and promote hair growth from him soon. Would waiting a month after my HT to start taking this shampoo in a sense be "too late" since I didn't start using it right after my HT? I figure that this isn't the case and I will start using even better shampoo and conditioner soon. The organic shampoo I'm using now is healthy, but besides the keratin, I don't think it has too many hair growth properties. Anyway, I was wondering what people on here are using and what you recommend for good hair health?

  4. Hey nervousguy, remember that I also had my ht done by Dr Meshkin 2 weeks ago. I also had spasm but on my left eye lid, but mine started a day before my procedure cus I was very anxience and couldn't sleep property the first 2 nights. The spasm continued till 3-4 days after ht. It's all gone now.


    Thanks for letting me know about this. I will get better sleep and see if it goes away. I haven't been anxious, but I have been working a lot.

  5. I had my FUT about a month ago and just recently I have been having muscle spasms off and on? I know that this could be unrelated to my transplant but since it has to do with my nerves...could it be my nerves healing? I hope that these spasms aren't permanent. I will call Dr. Meshkin about it tomorrow, but wanted to see if anyone else on here has experienced spasms post op as well?

  6. I still had most of my hairs at 3 weeks. Most of them shed out within week 4-5 really quickly for me, so it's much too early to determine if you're that lucky.


    And I think it just looks thin because of the weird shaved appearance the transplanted grafts have. Post op images always looks really sparse to me but it ends up looking like a normal head of hair months later.


    This picture is 100 grafts/cm with 70 doubles and 30 singles according to the description and it still looks kind of sparse in the before...


    Alright, well I will give it more time to see how things play out. It is good to know that the hair will look a lot fuller in the months to come.

  7. I had my hair transplant close to 3 weeks ago, so the transplanted hairs might fall out in another week. Dr. Meshkin mentioned to me that some people don't experience much shock loss or shedding of the transplanted hairs at all. I think I might be one of those people. My question is...approx how long until these transplanted areas look fuller? Most of the transplanted hairs are already on my head, yet these areas still look really sparse?

  8. I had my hair transplant close to 3 weeks ago, so the transplanted hairs might fall out in another week. Dr. Meshkin mentioned to me that some people don't experience much shock loss or shedding of the transplanted hairs at all. I think I might be one of those people. My question is...approx how long until these transplanted areas look fuller? Most of the transplanted hairs are already on my head, yet these areas still look really sparse?

  9. Yeah, I was wondering about this as well. My hair procedure was almost 3 weeks ago and I haven't experienced any shock loss or shedding of the areas nearby my transplanted or donor areas. Dr. Meshkin mentioned on the phone that the Nokor Microslit Grafting technique lowers the chances of shock loss. He also mentioned that if I haven't experienced any shock loss yet, then I probably wouldn't much or at all. Has anyone else had the

    Nokor Microslit Grafting technique done for their hair transplant procedure?

  10. I'm 2 weeks post op and most of the scabs on my recipient areas are really loose and ready to fall out. I lightly brushed over these areas with my fingers and most of the scabs fell out immediately. Some others were not too loose, yet but I was able to get them to fall out as well. While I was doing this, I noticed that a group of about 4 or 5 hairs fell out of my head. They were all attached to one big scab and I noticed that the roots or bulbs of these hairs came out too? Since there was no bleeding, that means that the follicles are still there right? I'm not an expert on hair...so is the clear part on the end of each hair just the root or bulb of the hair shaft not the follicle yes?


    I will go see Dr. Meshkin tomorrow and I'm sure he will be cleaning out all the remaining scabs.

  11. In my opinion if you are NW 5 or above....drugs are a must for having a decent coverage along with a HT. For lower Norwood levels I believe acceptable density can be achieved even without the drugs, as the donor is sufficient enough.


    Yes, this is what I'm trying to achieve. I know that Dr. Meshkin is especially good with taking even a smaller amount of grafts and filling in a large area and make it look natural. He told me that I have a lot of donor hair and the area is very healthy. He told me that I have enough donor hair to have 2 more HT's in the future. I know that over time, I will definitely lose more hair whether I am not meds or not. I kind of want the thinning hair to fall out anyway, so that I can just get another HT and replace all the thin hairs with transplanted thicker ones. I just had my first HT 2 weeks ago and I am only a Norwood 3V, although my bald spot on the crown area looks a lot bigger than the one they show as an example on the Norwood scale haha.

  12. Yes, I know that the safe zone won't be effected by DHT. I should have been more detailed sorry. I mean if I had a HT without taking any finasteride, is there a high chance of permanent shock loss in the native areas nearby the transplanted areas? Is there a high chance of permanent shock loss in the transplanted areas as well? I might consider taking finasteride for a while as most people seem to be highly recommending it.

  13. Week 3 was when most of the shedding happened for me, but that's also when I got more aggressive with shampooing and rubbing the recipient a little, so I think it was mainly just dislodging the already gone hairs.


    Oh I see. Yeah, I will go in for my 2 week post op checkup this Monday and I will talk with my doctor. I'm sure based on seeing how my head looks now, that he might have some idea what I might expect in the next coming months. Well, I hope so at least.


    Maybe if I get a little more aggressive with shampooing week 3 and all my hair don't start falling out, then I might take it as a good sign. I will also keep in mind that my shock loss or shedding could just happen later than it did with you.


    Are you currently using finasteride and minoxidil? Did you use these medications before your transplant?

  14. i know this may not be the scientific answer you're looking for, but since you are a "nervousguy" your forehead may be strained out of your nervousness. I'd ask my doctor for Valium, Xanax or Clonazapam some type of Benzodiazepam that will calm you down. When you are naturally nervous, that puts a strain on your forehead & tightens it up and thus causes the follicle to get narrow.


    u also don't want to wear baseball caps since they constrict the forehead & cause the follicles strain, too & narrow up.


    i don't believe losing your hair out of worry is an old wives tail, there's a lot of truth to it, because of the above reasons I mentioned.


    i know i have slight anxiety.



    Yeah, I have slight anxiety. Don't let my name fool you though. My anxiety isn't out of control, but I do agree with you about how constant anxiety can effect strain on the head. I have been more relaxed lately. I just hope that I don't suffer severe permanent shock loss.

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