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Posts posted by phxind

  1. Acrobaz, thank you for the update. Yes, you are right - you have come a long way. Very nice. You were not so lucky with the scar and it seems to have widdened a bit. Are you concerned about this? Also, in my case, I find my hair looks best when combed back to get that layering effect. But I am bad at styling too - will be interesting to see the suggestions you receive cos I could use them too!

  2. These are most probably miniaturized hairs. They will continue to fall and grow back but the miniaturization will continually get worse until the roots becomes dead. You want to get on rogaine/propecia to save these hairs. Even with medication these will fall out but chances of them coming back thicker are good.

  3. guys, thanks for the comments, guidance, and support. It is very much appreciated.


    Yes, I am v enthusiastic about how it is going to turn out finally. thana, I have a little oil in my hair in the pics which is probably giving that slight wet look.

    On a side note, I am hoping the the meds will thicken my crown up. But a thin crown doesn't bother me anywhere close to a bald front and this is the most hair I have had in a long time (or atleast appears so!).

  4. Friends,


    Just posted my six month update. My transplanted hair has thickened compared to month 5. My appearance has changed quite drastically and I get many questions on what I have been doing with my hair. Others I can see are noticing but cannot decide what/how to ask. Most people seem to believe when I tell them it is the rogaine icon_smile.gif The scar is looking good too, though not undetectable. I am thinking of clipping down to a #4 to even things out.

  5. Wow, great. First of all, I appreciate him for coming forward like this. Being in the public eye and being so open about a HT can never be easy.


    Dave78, Sehwag has had a HT as well and is looking great these days. So has Harsha Bhogle, the commentator and Shane Warne.


    Finally got to say this - with or without hair, Indian batsmen are going to hit him all over the park for runs! icon_smile.gif

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