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Everything posted by MichiganMan

  1. the acute swelling did only last a few days, as was the case the first time. It is only in the eye area that it continues -- and possibly a little rounding in the face. Maybe your theory about acute reaction to steroids has some validity. I have also read that steroids cause fat to be circulated and redistributed, but I have no idea how much it would normally take to do this. Maybe some fat has accumulated in my eyes. Maybe the drainage off my head brought fat cells down with it. I have also seen that steroids can cause puffiness and water/sodium retention. I am totally speculating, but I have posted this on the doctor's list, and have not had a response. I have seen a plastic surgeon, but he was of no help. I have another doctor's appointment tomorrow. If I learn anything of value, I will certainly post it. I appreciate your input.
  2. My surgeon says he has never seen this before, and is of little help. I was hoping some other surgeon might have seen this after-effect, and could offer some clue about what eventually happened or how they were able to help. Thanks for responding.
  3. I had a second transplant 4 1/2 weeks ago, and I still have much puffiness under the eyes, and some fluid over my left eye. My face also seems a little more round. I have been trying to sleep upright, ice the eyes multiple times per day, but it continues. It is worse in the morning, especially if I sleep on my stomach. I assume that in this position, gravity is taking more fluid into my eyes. I know that cortizone was used along with the anesthetic injected into my scalp. I also took prednisone (more steroid) after the procedure. I have done this in both my transplants, although I had much more severe swelling the first time because I took the prednisone too late, yet I had no lasting effects from the first transplant. Has anyone else experienced this eye puffiness well after the procedure? If yes, did it eventually go away? Was there something you did to help this problem?
  4. I had a second transplant 4 1/2 weeks ago, and I still have much puffiness under the eyes, and some fluid over my left eye. My face also seems a little more round. I have been trying to sleep upright, ice the eyes multiple times per day, but it continues. It is worse in the morning, especially if I sleep on my stomach. I assume that in this position, gravity is taking more fluid into my eyes. I know that cortizone was used along with the anesthetic injected into my scalp. I also took prednisone (more steroid) after the procedure. I have done this in both my transplants, although I had much more severe swelling the first time because I took the prednisone too late, yet I had no lasting effects from the first transplant. Has anyone else experienced this eye puffiness well after the procedure? If yes, did it eventually go away? Was there something you did to help this problem?
  5. I had a second transplant 4 1/2 weeks ago, and I still have much puffiness under the eyes, and some fluid over my left eye. My face also seems a little more round. I have been trying to sleep upright, ice the eyes multiple times per day, but it continues. It is worse in the morning, especially if I sleep on my stomach. I assume that in this position, gravity is taking more fluid into my eyes. I know that cortizone was used along with the anesthetic injected into my scalp. I also took prednisone (more steroid) after the procedure. I have done this in both my transplants, although I had much more severe swelling the first time because I took the prednisone too late, yet I had no lasting effects from the first transplant. Has anyone else experienced this eye puffiness well after the procedure? If yes, did it eventually go away? It is possible that the stretching from the first procedure could have weakened the area causing trouble in the second transplant? I read that steroids can cause sodium and water retention, eye puffiness and rounding of the face? Is it possible that steroids could have caused this and is there anything I can do to improve things?
  6. I had a second transplant 4 1/2 weeks ago, and I still have much puffiness under the eyes, and some fluid over my left eye. My face also seems a little more round. I have been trying to sleep upright, ice the eyes multiple times per day, but it continues. It is worse in the morning, especially if I sleep on my stomach. I assume that in this position, gravity is taking more fluid into my eyes. I know that cortizone was used along with the anesthetic injected into my scalp. I also took prednisone (more steroid) after the procedure. I have done this in both my transplants, although I had much more severe swelling the first time because I took the prednisone too late, yet I had no lasting effects from the first transplant. Has anyone else experienced this eye puffiness well after the procedure? If yes, did it eventually go away? It is possible that the stretching from the first procedure could have weakened the area causing trouble in the second transplant? I read that steroids can cause sodium and water retention, eye puffiness and rounding of the face? Is it possible that steroids could have caused this and is there anything I can do to improve things?
  7. I was pleased enough with my experience with Dr. Tessler that I just had a second transplant last week. I agree with the other poster about getting all your questions together, but also listen to the doctor, and consider his opinion, because he has done this for many years and knows what will look natural. If he tells you that you are trying to bring your hairline too far forward, than you should probably listen. Ultimately he will do whatever you want, but I think you should also consider what he suggests along with what you are thinking that you want.
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