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Everything posted by Amandeep

  1. Hey Bill I've started taking propecia for 2 weeks now (I'm taking it every other day) and the sides I've experienced have been brain fog and there has been a slight reduction in semin volume . I haven't had any other sides and I was just wondering whether I should continue taking the drug and whether the brain fog would subside with continued use? (The brain fog does seem to wear off the next day, as I'm taking propecia every other day). I'm in the UK and get propecia from a company called boots, the people I've spoken to there don't seem to really know much about the drug as they didn't know about the reports of permanent side effects and completely panicked when I said I get brain fog. My actual doctor also seems clueless as she literally searched the drug on wiki in front of me and didn't really offer much advice lol. I really would appreciate getting some advise from people who know about the drug.
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