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Everything posted by mycrowngone

  1. Promising results. What did you used for post-op care? I had the same procedure at Dr. Maral Hair Klinik, seven days ago. Now I am trying to create my "scalp-care-protocol" My thread, here.
  2. LOL! :eek: My FUE procedure! Istanbul, Turkey, Dr. Maral Clinic. My review and experience, July 2014. - Forum By and for Hair Loss Patients
  3. This forum is such an eye opener for me. I made some additional “frontal hairline” close up photos and I will definitely use every advice you gave me. Please, check them out. My frontal hairline -> http://1drv.ms/SGrtaq (Click on photo for gallery view.) So, I will not lower my hairline. Instead I will use every single graft to fortify (and rebuild) my hairline. As Spanker said, the “lowering effect” would come out of that, automatically. What worries me is the “frontal hair design line”. I wonder what line I should follow. (Or line-type) Any advice? Thanks!
  4. My online gallery with my "hair profile" pictures. http://1drv.ms/1rbjTEm (Clik to zoom. Full screen) Thanks again for your input. This is the feedback I got so far: -Based from the pictures above, I was mostly "diagnosed" with NW4, approaching NW-5A level. -My "gradual" hair loss started approximately 17 years ago. (Consulted some old pictures.) -I never used any type of medications or treatments to put my hair loss under control. -My age is 43 and I should expect "small decline" in my hair loss progress. -I will definitely reach NW5A level by the end of my 50`s. (If not using any meds.) -By the end of the 60`s, no estimates are possible. (Anyway, if still no cure in 2030, I expect that FUE becomes fully automated, and done by your local hair-dresser called "Hairtronic 3000 and sons" :rolleyes:.) Anyway "the plan" updated again: 1. Fortify my front (upper) region. (To be future-safe.) 2. Fortify (*and maybe lower a bit) my hairline. (To be future-safe.) 3. If my donor area **supports enough grafts, work back on my crown. *lower = 0.5 ~ 1cm ** My donor area should support 4000+ grafts. This will be determent on the operation day. ***MicroFUE technology will be used. Does this sounds realistic or not? Thank You!
  5. Thanks a lot everyone! I updated my "priority" order and my expectations: 1. fortify my front (upper) region. (Will get much thinner in future.) 2. fortify and lower (a bit) my hairline where it is now. (Will get much thinner in future.) 3. If my donor area supports enough grafts, then work back on my crown. Would you agree with this? Optimising some more :rolleyes: Do you think that beside fortifying I can lower (a bit) my (frontal) hairline? (No2) Thanks again!
  6. Spanker, thank you for your reply. I really appreciate your advice. How long do you think I can maintain my updated look with updated hair line without the need for a second surgery? This part confused me a bit.My plan is to repair my crown (vertex) "back" area. In your opinion, should I leave it like it is and concentrate only on my upper areas only without fixing the vertex and hairline? Will you be so kind to clarify this?Thank You!
  7. Hello everyone. This is such a great forum with very experienced members. I decided to register my self, present you "my hair profile" and ask for advice. And probably some encouragement... I am 44 and I reached a point where I will go for FUE in the next few months or I will completely forget about it. Please take a look at my online gallery with my "hair profile" pictures. http://1drv.ms/1rbjTEm (Clik to zoom. Full screen) I am losing my hair for 15 years. Nothing dramatic. Slowly and gradually. My FUE expectations, thanks to all of you, should be realistic. My goal is to repair my hair line and my crown with appropriate placement and create an illusion of not being... - I would like to cover my problematic areas with 30 grafts per sq/cm. (My crown and "upper" part of my head") - Repair my hair line. In my family, i cant say that there are bald people but I can say there is a "normal" hair thinning as expected. Do you think this is achievable and what do you think I should do? Is my donor area OK? What should I aim for? Thank You! Mr .Crown
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