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Everything posted by dutta90

  1. When I was 16 I suddenly started losing hair around the front of my hairline. The hair loss lasted for a couple of years or so and I went to the doctor who said it was hormonal and nothing to be too concerned about. Now I am 32 and although I don’t lose hair anymore, I have had years of paranoia at looking bald at the front – no specific haircut works and when I try and hide it with a side parting, I’m always conscious of it looking like a comb over. Being female, I think compounds the sense of being self-conscious. Having tried various non-chemical/medical techniques with no avail, it was something just accepted I would have to live with – treatments were expensive but also I was scared that it would make the problem worse. My trigger to do something about it came about a year ago when I got engaged and decided that my wedding day was the one occasion where I wanted to feel confident. So I looked online for various treatments. Hair transplants were the first thing I enquired about but most of the companies either didn’t get back to me, or made me feel like they were more interested in the sale than my needs. Also, many wanted to charge for the initial consultation and given that I didn’t want to make any rash decisions, I wasn’t willing to spend lots of money on consultations. I finally came across UK Hair Transplant Clinics and for the first time, knowledge, interest and a genuine feeling of them wanting to help me greeted me. When I met with one of the surgeons (Dr Hassan Nurein) for a free consultation, he was knowledgeable and did thorough testing of my hair so that he could advise me of the best treatment. He answered all my questions and gave me a full picture of what was involved and what results I could expect. He also gave me a fixed price for the procedure. Because he filled me with confidence and enabled me to make an informed decision, I decided to undertake the Hair Replacement Surgery. On the day of the transplant I was warmly welcomed by the doctor and staff and was offered refreshments. I was quite nervous and naturally, having second thoughts but was quickly put at ease. The doctor recapped the procedure and despite it being the day of the transplant, happily answered any last minute questions I had. Contrary to what I was worried about happening, I was in no way made to feel pressured and there seemed to be an overall understanding into how much of a big deal it was for me even though it is probably all very’ routine’ to him. The procedure itself was not painful and the way it is carried out seems to be all about ensuring that the patient is relaxed. Lunch was provided, the non-intrusive nature of the procedure meant I could watch a movie while it was taking place and, although it lasted the whole day, I had plenty of opportunities to take toilet breaks and rest. Afterwards I was given information and after-care products including a leaflet on possible side effects. The ethos of being caring was continued by the clinic arranging my journey home for me. Overall my experience has been very impressive; UK Hair Transplant Clinics made sure that I was informed from start to finish and were always at hand to put any worries at bay. I am excited to see the results of hair growth so that I can finally feel confident.
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