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Posts posted by Raiden76

  1. Proceed with caution. I had a HT right around your age (I am currently 27 years old) and also was experiencing diffuse hair loss. 2 1/2 years post-op, I am basically back to square one (albeit with slightly more hair, but now have to conceal my scar with some creative blending which I can just luckily pull off). There are several factors working against you: (1) you have not stabilized your hair loss with preventative medications so it is nearly impossible to predict how and in exactly what pattern your hairloss is going to proceed, (2) you are a diffuse thinner, thereby making you more vulnerable to potential permanent shockloss, exacerbated by the fact you have not reinforced your potentially weak hair follicles (within the diffuse area) through any sort of preventative medication, (3) even with preventative medications, it is not a sure deal they will last forever as hairloss is progressive, (4) the crown can be a daunting area to fill (it has been referred to as the "black hole" since it can consume many grafts). IMO, I think your hair situation up front looks pretty solid and depending on how far away the wedding is (congratulations, by the way) you may just want to use a concealer for the mid-scalp which could make a significant cosmetic appearance. Then, in the meantime, you can conduct further research to determine if preventative medications and/or a HT are the right choices for you. My parting words--don't allow short-term goals dictate decisions with long-term implications. Best of luck!


    great advice here.

  2. Looks great Raiden! You must be very happy. I am very much looking forward to the 6 month mark. I don't want to wish my life away but the 6 month mark seems golden for most people.


    yeah zx, you do seem a little impatient and antsy, you went to Rahal to have this done so just forget about it and in 4 months you should be a happy and satisfied customer. I am very happy after having a mediocre to bad hair transplant for 13 years it feels good to have good looking hair again.

  3. Hi Raiden76,


    We look forward to seeing you, and we can definitely make your pre op pictures available to you anytime!


    Home 1212,


    Thank you for the update, it's good to hear you're enjoying your results already!



    ok great, I will contact Larissa about it.

  4. I think you have to ask yourself, how far do you want to go with your career? Are you a working actor or an aspiring actor? I think it is a sound question because it can determine how to move forward.


    My gut says to tell you to forget surgery of any kind. You can't just get one or two megasessions and "forget it" because hair loss is progressive. You are a full blown NW6 now, chances are at your age you'll eventually be a NW7 without meds, which you refuse to take. I'd say stay away from surgery and test the theory presented about being a bald actor.


    One thing to consider about Jason Alexander; a lot of his roles outside of Seinfeld had him wearing a hair piece. This is far more common than you may realize and is considered to be normal in your industry. This gives you far more options than if you have surgery because with a hair piece you can still take the roles that require a balding man and the next day you can get the role that requires some hair. With surgery, this may not always be the case, even with FUE. I usually don't recommend hair systems but in your situation it is just a part of the job for many people.

    an example of great advice.

  5. Don't worry, Rahal patients are out there and getting up for some updates!!

    I've been talking with some past patients behind the scenes encouraging them to post on the forum!


    Can't wait for your progress shots mate!!


    I plan on making a trip to Ottowa this summer and taking some updates, getting the pre ops to post here.

  6. looks amazing, congrats! I had an FUE procedure with Dr. Rahal in Sept. 2014, I'm also very satisfied, he was truly realistic about my hair loss situation and I believe he and his team's skills are second to none .. picking a reputable skilled surgeon is 99% of the battle


    I concur monsieur, he is a straight shooter and a brilliant surgeon.

  7. Have you consulted regarding altering the regimen of Minox?

    EOD will likely not please the final outcome, if you are experiencing irritation maybe purchase another brand free of PPG free, this can tend to dry the scalp.

    No, i had not consulted but assumed that since monox. action is increasing blood supply to scalp that it wouldnt neccessarily have a negative feedback type response that some may get from, say altering doses of 5 alpha reductase inhibitors.

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