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Everything posted by Balloonknot725

  1. Hello my name is Steve, I am 27 years old and my hair started receding when I was 17. I started taking finasteride around the age of 21-22, not sure exactly when. It has prevented me from losing any hair on my crown and slowed down the process for the most part, although I have a pretty bad receding hairline. My best guess is that I'm a norwood 3. I have had 2 consultations with Dr. Holt in Grand Rapids, MI. I am scheduled in a week to do an fue transplant at a great price break with the artas robot. This is because the artas will be brand new at his shop, but the artas technicians will be on site with Dr. Holt and his crew the whole procedure (my appointment is also on the last day of the week that they're doing artas, so they'll have a hang of it by then. The price I was offered is less than what Id pay for an fut. Dr.holt told me he'd really try to aim for 1400 grafts. From what I've researched, I may not be satisfied with just 1400 grafts, and a second procedure will be inevitable. I don't really have the money to go with a second procedure, and don't like the idea of that either. I don't want a transplant that I'm unhappy with and then I won't be able to shave my head. What kind of results should I expect with a norwood 3 and 1400 grafts? I don't currently have a picture but could gladly try to do so if that would help. Any input or advise would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
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