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Everything posted by fuegg

  1. Without being an expert, it looks to me that the grafts at the vertex didn't survive. Those are supposed to be the bigger 3-4 hair grafts. May be they used a punch that is too small?
  2. Don't you guys think the hairline density is OK after all? It's probably 3K worth of single-hair grafts based on what I've seen in my research.
  3. With 4K grafts I would expect a little better result. It's good that the hairline is thick, that implies a good graft survival rate, so the extraction method is solid, at least for single hair grafts. I guess the focus was to repair the hairline and the front view from horizontal angles with single hair grafts. To me the hairline looks a little too perfect, but not bad. Has anything been transplanted on the top? If there have been any bigger 2-4 hair grafts placed on top, I think they didn't survive.
  4. Thanks guys, very helpful. Yeah 4200 grafts in 2 days.
  5. Hi all, I am going to have a 4K+ FUE in a few days. I did some research beforehand and chose my doctor, however just in the past few days I learn about something called FOX testing that tells you if you are a good candidate or not. My doctor never mentioned anything about such test and he is proceeding directly with the FUE surgery. (I do get blood tests, but not FOX). I also found some articles that say wavy/curly like mine hair tends to be difficult for FUE and could have a bad FOX score. Most articles about FOX are old and it this FOX tests seems to originate from long time ago. Is the FOX test outdated or is my doctor skipping steps here? What's the latest word on wavy/curly hair FUE difficulties? Thanks for any comments.
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