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Posts posted by danoush

  1. Originally posted by Forrest Gump:

    Danoush, sorry to hear about your unfortunate outcome. You might want to post some additional pictures to better present your case.


    Good luck with your legal options and future repairs.


    Thank you so much for your advice. I will post the pictures . I just have to find them. I have them on an old camera and will do it as soon as I can find a way to transfer them.

  2. Originally posted by dro:

    this result was unfortunate. I am as disapointed as the danoush. I did not charge his for his 2nd procedure and was prepared for a no cost 3rd. after not returning his calls/emails as quickly as he wanted, he became verbally abusive with my staff and I chose not to go forward. Not every patient can have a full head of hair after hair transplanation. I am only a hair surgeon not a hair god.


    The above is what Dr. Ochs posted earlier and then he decided to remove it. He probably wants to pretend that he does not know me.


    The second opinion that I received from other Doctors confirms that something went wrong on the first 4000 grafts surgery as it is impossible that only about 200 grafts grow. He once mentioned at my visit that he made a mistake of trying to cover a big area with 4000 grafts! So even if this is true, don't you expect more from a doctor? So no you are not God. you are a Dr. though and if you make mistake, you at least have to make your best effort to make it right instead of trying to be smart.




    After second surgery Dr. ochs said that he is going to do the next surgery within 9 months. I emailed him 10 months after which was on September. He asked me to go to his office in Culver City. I went there and he said that you are still growing hair (which was a lie as he was only buying time) and that to come back in January. Even though I doubted that I would grow any more hair after 9 months I waited without saying a word.

    January came and I called him first thing in January and I emailed him. I did not receive any reply. Thought that he might be out of office. Found his numbers and called his staff. Which then I found out that he is actually there and he is simply ignoring me. A week went by without hearing back from him. called him again and he did not respond again. So i called his staff , asked for Dr. Ochs. the lady first did not mention anything about him doing a surgery. After I mentioned my name, the lady said that he is doing a surgery. Since I knew that he is trying to still ignore me I said to please say dr. Ochs to call me until Monday or I will go to every websites and share my experience.

    This worked! because she transferred me to him (even though he was doing a surgery) and then he said to "do whatever you are gonna do ! I have had enough!"and he hang up.


    Dr. Ochs is saying that I became verbally abusive. Was my tone really abusive? what other option did I have?

  3. here is the email Dr. Ochs sent me few hours ago:"the only reason that I did not get back to you sooner was that i needed to

    find an open day for your procedure. that being said, i find you behavior as

    verbally abusive and not someone I choose to treat.



    I wonder if he would respond back to his new patients so much late and like this! didn't I deserve to be treated even better than a new patient? was I at fault that I had to suffer pain and lose donor hair for numerous surgeries without saying a word simply because he did not do a good job to begin with? Didn't I wait long enough for him to keep his promise?

    I do not believe that he wanted to ever reply as if he did he could have simply email me back saying that I am searching for an open day for your procedure. Why didn't he?

  4. Yes, I did have Dr. ochs for my surgery. BIGESST MISTAKE IN MY LIFE. Here is exactly what happened?


    paid him for 4000 grafts . NOTHING GREW. called him after a year and went to other doctors for second opinions.


    All confirmed that only about 200 grafts grew and yet I paid this guy for 4000 graft. At that time I figuered out how Ochs hair can make money by offering $2 per graft.


    I went to get my money back. he refused and he immediately sent me a copy of the contract that I had signed with him. I , by mistake, signed a contract with him that I can not sue him and if anything goes wrong we would have to solve it through arbitration.

    I called several lawyers and they said that they are not going to take the case.


    Second mistake: instead of going through a arbitration , I believed him again as I did not even dream that a Dr. can lie like this.

    I went to him and he said that he is going to do two other surgeries of 2000 grafts each. he did the first surgery . RESULT : TERRIBLE AGAIN only about 1000 grafts grew. according to second opinion again.


    and here is the worst part: Dr. Ochs stopped replying to my emails when I asked for my third promised hair transplant surgery of 2000 grafts. After numerous phone calls : Dr. Ochs finally picked up the phone saying that "I have had enough do what you are gonna do."!!!! I expected everything but being treated like this. SO NOW I have to live like this for my entire life. I have so many other pictures and I am going to in fact build a website with pictures and the terrible experience I had with him. Ochs did this to me, because he knew that after two years I can not take this matter to court.

    I already talked to one of my family member who is an attorney. since I did not sign anything for the second surgery, we are going to take him to court on that as I lost my hair . I will do whatever is in my power to bring him down as I can not see some one ripping off the poor people. I was dreaming of having hair and I did not have enough money to pay more than the $2 per graft. Now I both lost my hair and my money


    Please take a look at my scarring ( the photo is taken 2 years after the procedure)


  5. Please take my advice and choose another Dr.


    Do NOT fall for his scam $2 per graft advertisement ( which he has now revised to $3 a graft) do not let Dr. Richard Ochs with offices in both Beverly Hills and Culver City take your hard working money and give you the worst result. Research and see what others say about this doctor ( except his associates who had a surgery with him, I am not able to find a single person saying that he did a good surgery) was unhappy with the result.


    His ad reads:

    Hair Transplant

    15 yrs experience in Beverly Hills. Free Web Consult 1-866-HAIR-866


    research and find a good Dr. . You will end up going to another dr and you will end up paying more anyway. why to waste your money then.

    please take a look at the picture attached. I paid for 4000 grafts and here is what I received. By the way the picture is taken approximately 2 years after my first hair transplant by Dr. Ochs for 4000 grafts.


    By the way I have already been tested for possible alopecia and the result was negative. I , therefore, know that this is caused by this terrible doctor


    Picture is taken 2 years after a hair transplant done by Dr. Ochs for 4000 grafts



  6. avoid Dr. Ochs:


    2008 : had surgery for 4000 grafts RESULT NOT Even 200 grafts grew.


    2009 : went to him and he promised me two more surgeries of 2000 grafts each

    RESULT of the second surgery is attached only about 1000 grafts grew


    Third surgery: he ignored me and after numerous phone calls he said that he had enough and he hang out icon_frown.gif now I have to live bald for my entire life


    please do not fall in trap of $2 per graft advertised in google


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