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Everything posted by olliebcn

  1. tomorrow , its late her in central europe !
  2. it's not great and as you can see from email correspondence (17.01.14) i have had from my "consultant" , this is the type of dialogue I have been dealing with .... Re hair transplant Hello This is Oliver , we spoke earlier on the phone regarding my hair . As I told you I showed the same photos I have attached for you to show dr acar to the following hair surgeon in London , Dr Raghu Reddy from Restore Hair Clinics , who told me the following 1. Because of the amount of grafts taken from the doner area , he could not perform another procedure on me because I simply do not have enough hair . 2. He also advised me that with that many grafts (4050) based on a skilled surgeon performing the procedure , I should have a lot more hair than I do even if the operation was not a success . . Look at the gallery on his website and you will see that he has very good results with far less grafts ... He told me to ask you how many hairs were in those grafts . I am very concerned about all this and after our last conversation I am not comfortable speaking with you about my hair, you are not the doctor you are a translator , when the doctor has looked at my photos I want to speak directly with him using you as translator and he can give me his verdict personally . The news I received from the other doctor has left me shocked and worried . Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000149 EndHTML:0000000922 StartFragment:0000000199 EndFragment:0000000888 StartSelection:0000000199 EndSelection:0000000888 Hi i attached your before and after pictures,as you can see its looks now much better on the front line and top generaly,but you cut your hairs to short? its also have time for the 12th month. all patients have different results,by some works better by some works lower its geneticly its not about us,you can see on your sended pictures the hairs are transplanted and hair geneticly are differents for this we can not do.its not our best work,but its better than before.and much patients they have like you result theye are happy. best regards
  3. I will post photos during daylight hours , i have just taken the most recent photos at the time of posting this response ( 18.14 cet 13.02.14 )
  4. I went t the medicana clinic in istanbul 9 months ago and had a 4056 graft hair transplant performed by a dr acar . I have joined this forum specifically to share this experience with others considering an fue procedure as a remedy for their hair loss . I foolishly focused on the cost of the procedure when deciding upon were to have my surgery and have had a far from satisfactory experience as a result , the results to date , considering the amount of grafts taken are poor to say the least , I do not wish to grow my hair because it still looks very thin on top , yet if i shave my head you can clearly see were the follicles have been taken at the back , which for me is the worst part of the situation , I shave my head so i can handle not having hair on top but now the back of my head looks terrible . It is very clear that i have had a second rate procedure , more fool me , what i can tell you is that my hair in the donor area did not start to grow back until 4 months after the procedure and even now it is clearly visible that i have had the procedure and the hair is still terribly thin on top . I accept responsibilty for my procedure but what I am appalled by is that when i expressed concern about the results of my procedure I was advised to come back and have another procedure with a discount applied ... when i stated that i sought the opinion of surgeons listed on this site for their opinion which was " a. i do not have enough hair in the donor area and b.at this time a second procedure could lead to shock loss . " they relented somewhat and said , that yes ,actually it was a 50/50 success rate and it was my decision and I had to decide ... i will not go into details about the really indifferent reaction to my fears in the aftermath of the procedure or the poor customer care i recieved , during which at one point i was told that i should be happy with the results as many other people would be ... I have many emails back and forth showing this complete lack of empathy and photos from start to present day if people wish to see . Clearly your looks and appearance are of great importance and it is vital that you have medical professionals that respect this and will provide you the best service , support and expertise and are not just interested in the bottom line ... the latter is in my humble opinion the case with the Medicana Hair Transplant centre in istanbul and i would strongly advise looking elsewhere if you are considering an due hair transplant , This is intended as honest advise from someone who has been through the whole process with this hospital , nothing more ....
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