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Everything posted by TexasLady

  1. Danny, I ha FUE on the hairline and temples just five days ago. I'm interested to hear if you had numbness on the top of your head and if so, how long it lasted. Additionally, how long did your donor area stay sensitive? Finding it hard to sleep at night and wake up every few hours due to discomfort. Between that and the numb scalp, it's driving me crazy. Thanks for the great pics.
  2. I'm wondering when the little hairs that I see sprouting out will fall out. I'm sure it's different for everyone but it's really cool seeing them as I'm healing. I thought of a good description for my donor area. It feels rigid unlike the soft long hair everywhere else on my head. I wonder if this is how men feel when they get a buzz cut? I had to go out this afternoon so I loosely wrapped my head with a scarf and wore big sunglasses. My face is so full of fluid that the five minutes it took me to run to CVS left my nose and temples with big divots from the glasses that took some time to go away. The swelling really is bad. I'm half Caucasian and half Asian with normally big almond eyes but right now they are tiny little eyes that when I look down I can see the puffy fluid underneath my eyes! I too would love to hear more feedback on scalp sensations. The worst for me is at the top of my head just above the recipient area which was my hairline and temples. Yuck.
  3. Thanks y'all! I've now had another hair washing. I really needed it as I still had dried blood in my hair below the donor area. The top of my head being numb is really strange. It's uncomfortable to brush or even touch. The other thing is my swollen face, especially the eyes. I'm icing my forehead and hoping it goes away before I return to work next Wednesday. Oh! I also have bruising around my eyes from it. My donor area is no longer cleanly shaven as it now has stubble. It feels funny back there as well. Again, doesn't hurt but is tender. I've been waking up at like 3:00 & 5:00 a.m. Not good. My sleep patterns are all off. Can't wait until I can get all the scabs off my hairline!
  4. I had my hairline and temples done on Saturday, February 8th! I think I'm healing as expected. Misting the transplant area every hour, bandage at the donor site is off and I've had one hair wash. The transplant area doesn't have any pain or feeling. The top of my head is completely numb and strange feeling. The donor site is tender but I can touch it without pain. I have the tiny scabs and two areas where I can see blood that's coagulated. Not big areas at all but bigger than the little scabs. The strangest feeling is the numbness on the top. The worst side effect has been the lidocaine as it goes down my face. It started with a fairly puffy forehead to now having what I call a melting face. My eyes are totally swollen and black! My face is unrecognizable. It's not painful but just odd feeling. The one painful spot was the left side of my jaw. Not super painful at all but sore at the least. Dr. Rashid told me to lightly rub baby oil on the transplant starting on day 7 in the event that the scabs are still there...but I'm scared! Hoping the misting by that point will get rid of the scabs. The exciting part is seeing the little chia hairs poking out. I'm sure they'll fall out in the next few weeks but for now, I love those little hairs!
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