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Everything posted by simple14

  1. I do not have a lot body hair , but most of the hair near the donor scar come back and i am sure i have good density now and another FUE can be done easily. Thanks for the suggestion for the doctors, i personally planning to go to Turkey so doctors in Turkey are better option for me
  2. Thanks for the advice HTsoon, at the moment my donor scar is infected and need treatment i don't have recent pictures of scar but i have one month PO and four months PO donor area pictures and i think its already stretched, please have a look at below pictures may be i am wrong. Also my existing hair suffered massive shock loss as well. One Month PO Feb 2014 Four Months PO May 2014
  3. I am thinking for scar revision, as keloid scar sufferer do u think will it work? also i am in touch with GP for another dermatologist appointed as my donor scar still inflamed and bumpy and itchy. Do you think in this condition i should go for another HT. If so i have looked at Mcan Travel Hair Transplant in Turkey and they have very good packages they have Dr. G?khan who has some good reviews. One thing to mention that some days i feel less inflammation and itchiness and some days inflammation increased and feel more itchiness and cant sleep straight.
  4. My recipient area was absolutely fine during op and till now no infection at all my donor start getting inflammation after two three months post op and bad itchiness also got some acne type right in the middle under the scar line they itch very badly. I contacted the surgeon who performed the HT advised me to use dermatix and i been using it more than six month now no effect. Dermatologist here in UK confirm they are ingrown here and nothing can be done about them however i had to sessions with him and he injected scar flattened twice in donor scar strip and i am waiting for the third dose If look at my first pic and compare it has very slight difference, do u think using hair trimmer without clipper effect on overall result. Yes i was surprised 4000 grafts for 1200 pounds although they took very wide and large strip similar to the office trouser belt size in width and put it in saline water.
  5. Hi Guys, Sorry for the long story and i appreciate if you read it with patience then you will know better about my HT. I think i am one of the unluckiest person that both FUT procedures did not work. My first HT was from Dr Imran Jhelum Pakistan not very well known but i got some good references locally so decided to go with him in 2011 unfortunately no pictures for the first HT. He charged about 500 pounds for about 1500 grafts on the operation day they shaved my head and gave me local anesthesia but for some reason i got some breathing and my heart beat gone up very strange i know but yes with local i got some reaction. Anyways after waiting for sometimes and with help of some beta blockers finally managed to get my operation done unfortunately they only covered frontal hair line area, the donor area scar was minimal and i am sure he put only about 500+ grafts, as expected result was not good, After two years decided to go for another HT found another HT in Islamabad Pakistan call Dubai Cosmetic Surgery Pakistan performed by Dr Naveed Azhar in January 2014, they had proper website at the time of my HT but past few months their website vanished. I told the story and told them about my condition with local anesthesia they assured that they will look after and put 4000 grafts with FUT+FUE combination for about 1200 pounds. On operation day same thing happened with local anesthesia heart beat going up and breathing problem but still they managed to cut a big strip from my donor scar (was quite big strip actually) After taking the strip the the staff took a long time to come back to me, i asked why they taking long because i am concern about graft' life and been told that not to worry as they in saline water and they still putting them into pieces. The procedure took whole day then they told me that i have to stay for the night and they will start FUE next day. Next day the FUE procedure started about 10 am and then they finished about 3pm mostly they put grafts in crown area my head was full of saline water as can be seen in pictures I left the ht clinic with some instruction for care and medicine plus baby shampoo after 10 days doctor saw me for final check up and told me that all grafts are intact and all look good and i am ok to go back home in UK I have looked after well had finasteride for about 9 months and i am still using minoxidil 5% Unfortunately i cant see any difference compare to before the second OP on top of that it even nearly two years i have very itchy donor area the scar is raised and bumpy there are some ingrown hair where FUE performed I have been to dermatologist here in UK got some scar flattened injection little difference but still itchy and bumpy scar i am using dermatix and cant see any difference with this either, i have been told by dermatologist that i have keloid scar and nothing can be done as its in genetics. I dont know what other step shall i take i need scar revision anyway despite i know i have keloid scar and shall i go for another HT. PS I shaved my head with trimmer with no clipper on after 12 months second PO surgery, did this effect on my transplanted grafts not to grow? Before Second Surgery December 2013 During Second Surgery January 2014 12 Months PO December 2014 20 Months PO September 2015
  6. Finger crossed i will keep updated and hoping to get good results.
  7. They said they managed to get 2500+ grafts from strip and about 1500+ from fue so not sure if they were telling truth or just guessing.
  8. I am hoping to get good result the second surgery otherwise its all waste and i am not going for third surgery if this ht failed. Before considering new surgeon i investigated and got a lot of good references so made sure that new surgeon is reputable with ht experience
  9. Both surgeries performed in Pakistan first surgery performed by local surgeon Dr Imran from Jhelum, not very well known. Second surgery performed by Dr Naveed from Cosmetic surgery Pakistan also known as Dubai Hair Transplant Islamabad.
  10. Yes thats what he said because i have very good density donor area so he said 4000 grafts would be enough to give good result with decent hair line but after surgery he said that he managed to get more than 4000 grafts from strip + fue so results should be great if i do proper care after surgery.
  11. My first ht did not give me decent results so i changed the surgeon, and i hve been told that previous surgeon either wasted the grafts or grafts were dead when transplanted and were hardly 1000 grafts. He also said that my hairline also was not right i am hoping this time i will get better result including crown.
  12. The first pictures taken one day before my second surgery in January 2014. My first surgery was in April 2012.
  13. I am not noticing any noticeable visible growth after 4 months.
  14. yes spanker first photos are day before last surgery
  15. Hi i am 4 months post op this is my second surgery. 4000+ grafts include crown strip+fue method. before second surgery pics:
  16. My doctor was Dr Naveed and Hair transplant center called Cosmetic Surgery Pakistan also known as Dubai cosmetic surgery Islamabad Pakistan. Yes i used ice packs and they reduced swelling but the problem is that swelling comes back and not going away completely.
  17. He said its normal and no need to worry sometimes it takes time and also advised that put pillow under my neck and sleep which is very hard and after a month i think i should not be using pillow under my neck and sleep. Although swelling reduces then increases and anti swelling meds helped little bit and washing head helps and give a lot of comfort but swelling not going away completely.
  18. Hi hairthere Thanks for your reply yes i made an appointment with my local gp here in UK but its on 19th. Just to mention i using warm hat would this cause swelling. Also when i wash my head swelling reduce but when i wake up in the morning it increases. Do i need to see my gp in emergency cos i am worried now.
  19. Hi Guys, I just had my second ht from Pakistan and it was a mega session including crown work. It was FUT+FUE 4000+ grafts as they claimed. I am now over one month since i had ht but swelling above donor area not going away. I been to my surgeon and he said nothing to worry and gave me some anti swelling caps which helped little bit. But after completed the course swelling still there my graft area is fine and no itching or swelling there, there is like a bump above the stitches area and i feel its spreading and going up to the crown I am back to UK now and made my appointment with my local doctor. Just wanted to know if any one experiencing the same and its not dangerous ie grafts etc. Thanks
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