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Posts posted by 003294

  1. I went to a company called ADHI in Pune, India, they gave me a total of 4100 grafts in Jan 2014 which only covered my frontal region of head.


    Problem I have they have now said my donor area is too weak to support any more extraction and having a look at my donor area I have to agree.


    The frontal area grew well but I decided to shave it off as it looked stupid to have growth at the front and bald patch in the middle and back. Now that I have shaven my head my head looks silly with a patch of hair at front.


    I have discussed this situation with ADHI and they have suggested I go for a lace now. I tried a lace from a UK based co. but it just hasn't worked out due an excessive scalp sweating issue I have which affects the bonding of lace to my scalp, plus the whole maintenance issue with I lace I'd rather not have


    Any advice on what to do welcome.





  2. I was a Norwood grade 4. I was promised full head of hair using head to head and body to hair. Total 4100 grafts. They have implanted less then a quarter. The front quarter of my implanted hair has grown well but the other 3/4 of my head is bold. I don't know what to do? Company promised the earth and hasn't delivered. I can't have any more grafts as my donor area too weak now. Company was adhi in Pune India. They used technicians not renowned dr's. Any advice welcome

  3. It varies from person to person. From my personal experience the recipient area healed miles quicker then the donor area. The donor area on the other hand I suffered from pimples coming and going for up to 6 months. The redness on donor area subsided after 2 weeks.


    Using a mixture of betadine ointment and water helps reducing the redness and minimise the risk of infection

  4. Do all your sightseeing before op. Trust me after op you won't feel like gowing anywhere. You got to remember your head will be sore and itchy at times. If they prescribe you anti bio tics which they did for me you may have loose motion which will cause weakness as your body is loosing essential fluids.


    After op you may experience face/forehand swelling.


    I went India in jan 2014 and had op done in pune India. I am so glad I did op last and laid low for 10 days after op. Yes it is frustrating and boring being confined for 10 days but if you've made such a sacrifice to have a life changing op why risk sightseeing in India in the blazing heat, humidity and of course the dust and of course the dreaded Mosquitos all things that will make you itch more and increase risk of infection and scratching implants out.


    Hope this helps

  5. Please refer to my post below for answer to some of your questions




    I had minimal pain because my head felt like a baloon and numb cos of all the injections, i started taking painkillers before the anaesthetic wore off so I was ok. I was wide awake and totally aware of my surroundings. My time did not drag as I decided to have a afternoon nap.


    I am currently at Week 6 stage and going through shedding cycle

  6. The itching issue clinic recommended I use mupurocin ointment, went to buy it but need a dr's prescription can't buy it over counter. My HT recommended I increase fruit and veg intake to help with healing focussing on fruits like kiwi, blueberry's etc and take a anti histamine or hay fever tablet and to my amazement the itching is gone and donor area healing well.


    After first op clinic recommended I go back 6-8 weeks time to complete remaining 1600 grafts needed. I emailed some photos to them a few days ago and they said my donor area not healed and I need to wait for another 2-3 months and re send them pics. I know I should wait but I'm eager to get it done cos I've only got half a job done so far and I'm getting tired of wearing caps and the constant questioning from work colleagues.


    As for my dr her name was dr swatti, compani called ADHI India, first ht was done at their head office in pune.

  7. The plan was to have 4200 grafts. 3000 head to head and 1200 body to hair as my donor area was not enough. I ended up having a total of 2600 head to head and 0 body to hair as I want to come back in a few months and try and extract more from donor area and minimise the amount I use body to hair


    Cost 1.5k rupees for 4200 grafts or ?1400 this price excludes medication but includes all aftercare such as cleaning, removing clots etc..


    I'd appreciate any views, opinions of progress so far. Procedure was done over 2 days on 19th and 20th jan 2014







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