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Everything posted by lookin

  1. I've only been on it for about a week. I just didn't know if I should stop, or if it won't make much difference in a months time. I told my doctor I was thinking of doing the HT, and he said to get on the fin "immediately." But he's not a hair specialist, and I actually trust all you guys and your experience more. So many of you have seen it all!
  2. I definitely posted pics to my profile. Are they gone? I'm a NW5. (I've been told...)
  3. Any insight you guys have would be great. I know so many of you are a wealth of knowledge, and for a newbie, I really appreciate it! I just don't know if I should put off a HT, or go for it!
  4. I just recently started on Finasteride (about one week ago), and know that it is expected to start shedding in the first few months. To what extent, seems to be very individualized. So far, I haven't seen any, but from what I've read it can come on quite quickly. I'm planning on having my first HT in about a month, and am worried that I will be shedding heavily through the front and top. If that does happen, will I be at a higher risk for transection when the surgeon places the grafts, as there will be no hair in that particular spot due to shedding? In other words, will being balder than I normally am, (due to the finasteride shed) increase the surgeons risk of easily transecting native hair. And what about donor hair? Do you shed donor hair on Fin too? If so, wouldn't that mean I have even less hair than normal to harvest! Thanks for your opinions
  5. I'm 45, and have recently decided that I have to start on Finasteride. I'm not a fan of pills of any kind, but with a little research, I've decided if I'm going to go forward with this HT, I better conserve the hair I DO have left. With that research, I've also decided I'd sooner shave my head bald than have side effects of Finasteride for the rest of my days. So, my question for all of you who have been on it, do you recommend morning or night dosing? For anyone who has experienced side effects, please share what you did to reduce the sides (short of giving up on it). Thanks for your insight!
  6. When you guys say 5-6,000, even 6-8,000, are you estimating to that's what it would take for a full head of hair, with good density all over? Also, how long should I be on the finasteride prior to surgery? Of course Nick, you mention being "past the point" of it helping, so is it even really necessary? I don't know that I have a whole lot left to stabilize! I did talk to a doc's rep who told me maternal family history is a factor, and the men on that side aren't too much further along than I am (yet 20+ years older)... so I don't know if that means that this is about "stable" for me? They all have MPB, but have a wider "horseshoe" like me, and some whispy hair on top... Same with Dad, so does that mean that without HT a NW7 is not really in my future? And if not, I'm guessing that helps with an HT? Also, hairthere you said the strong forelock is a "blessing and a curse," can you explain? I want to make sure I'm discussing everything I should at my consults. (yes and no on the consults, I'm just setting up a few Skype consults now with reputable docs from the forum... I made the mistake of visiting Bosley, and after getting a bad vibe, decided to do a lot more research) Thanks for all your help guys
  7. Thanks for the replies. I'm definitely going to give Fin a try. Going to go see my doc today. The reason I'm really concerned is that from all the pics I've researched, there seem to be LOTS of guys who get a good result with a NW5... But that doesn't seem to be the opinion here. I definitely don't want a less than desirable result, and am thinking about foregoing coverage on the crown (at least with the first procedure). What do you think of that idea? Whispy, see-through, or obvious, is definitely not what I'm after. If I can't get a good result, then I probably won't proceed. I'm talking to a couple docs right now, and am going to get their opinions on these concerns too so I have the right expectation.
  8. Rootz, thanks for responding 1. I really don't know how that is calculated. I've never had an HT if that helps. 2. Not an aggressive hairline at all. Mayb brought down just a little in the front. Filled in a little in the peaks. Something age appropriate. 3. Again, this is fairly new to me. I'm not sure how to answer. Fairly dense? I've seen some posts talking about 40-60/cm giving good density. Some 60-80? I just don't know. But I've been told the "forlock" is quite thick. No "miniaturization" at all, and I guess I would want it to match? 4. Started losing probably about 10-15 years ago. Haven't observed it closely at all... It's just slowly disappeared over the years. I wish I had known about finesteride earlier. i may still have my crown if so. 5. No meds. Gonna get on fin. soon. 6. 44 years old 7. Would love FUE, but from all the research I've done, seems that FUT is the way to go for me. I have a lot of area to cover. The only thing I'm worried about is the scar, and I've seen some pretty amazing cases on this forum to put my mind at ease a bit. Good doc, scar that can be camaflauged? (I know that's not in 100% of cases, but mitigates a lot of risk I assume) Thanks! All opinions welcome! Newbie here trying to learn!
  9. Sooooo Gillenator, what you're saying is that it's more than likely a bunch of marketing hooey, and not anything that every good doctor doesn't do already...
  10. I've truly decided to take the plunge. I've been contemplating for a long time, and after talking to a few of you, and a few docs, I'm ready. The hard part is all the conflicting information... I would love for any of you veterans here on the forum to take a look at my pics and let me know what you think. I have heard as little as 2,400 grafts from Bosley (which was quickly dismissed by a rep from reputable Docs office on this forum...) ... all the way up to 3,500 from a very reputable doc. Comparing pics all day, I feel like I should get a lot more??? What do you guys think? thanks for your help
  11. I'm researching docs, and apparently this technique was one of this docs innovations, but I can't find anything about what it IS, or if it's still a relevent technique. Does anyone have any insight? Thanks!
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