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Everything posted by Basmoth

  1. More than anything else, please select an extremely experienced surgeon for your eyebrow transplants. My first eyebrow transplant was pretty much botched - the hairs were placed at the wrong angles (some even at 90 degrees), eyebrow shape was horrible and asymmetrical, and it left me with terrible pitting along my eyebrows. Ever since that experience, I've had two revisions - one with Dr Radha and the other with Dr Kongkiat Laorwong. I actually had the latest revision with Dr Laorwong two days ago and so far so good. Anyway, as echoed on this board, Dr Radha was fantastic and I would certainly recommend her. I approached her to add more density to my current eyebrows to camouflage the pitting, and the results have been good. The procedure went really smoothly and she was very professional. The biggest positives are that the procedure with her caused zero pitting and the FUT scar at the back of my head has healed really nicely. If you're staying in Vizag for more than week, Dr Radha will also have you come back to your clinic daily to wash your hair and clean your eyebrows. That honestly took a lot of worry off the post-op recovery period. Ultimately, Dr Radha has my seal of approval and is a very safe bet if you're looking for a good eyebrow transplant result. Still, I recently decided that I wanted to get another procedure to improve the shape of my eyebrows, and I decided on Dr Laorwong as he had similar training as Dr Radha. Plus, he was also much closer to home. I must say that Dr Laorwong boasts a fantastic clinic (I was actually the first patient at his newly opened clinic in Bangkok). Still, that's all secondary to the actual procedure. As with Dr Radha, the procedure went smoothly, with only minimal discomfort when they inject the local anesthetic along your eyebrows. The initial results are looking good, but I'll reserve full judgement till I see the final results 6 months from now. Based of my experiences thus far though, Dr Laorwong seems like a safe bet too. The main differences between these two doctors probably their personality and pricing model. Dr Laorwong is more serious and to the point, whereas Dr Radha seemed a lot more friendly (and motherly). Dr Radha charged me USD $1200 for the procedure via FUT and has the whole day reserved for you, and she doesn't go by the number of grafts needed. Dr Laorwong charges per graft, and his minimum fee is $1250 for 400 grafts. Like Dr Radha, he spends the whole day on your eyebrow transplant, so there's no rush there. Regardless, both seem like highly affordable and competent eyebrow transplant surgeons, and that's really what matters the most - the ability to deliver good results. Finally, I'll be remiss if I didn't mention Dr Damkerng from DHT. He's reputably one of the best, but is also a lot pricier. Still, if anyone were to ask me if I felt like I compromised or settled by going to Dr Radha or Dr Laorwong, I would definitely answer with a no. Anyway, feel free to PM me if you have any further questions regarding the procedure and these doctors, and I'll be happy to answer any queries you may have.
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