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Everything posted by hairweare

  1. Well I emailed Mick and asked specifically but didn't get an answer and because seats were limited on the flights I needed I went ahead and booked my departure for the morning of the 13th. (POD #2). I will be sleeping sitting up in a coach seat so hopefully I will get by.
  2. I have already had 3 FUTs back in the 90's with over 5500 grafts, I have progressed since to a NW 6 and have limited donor left. Dr Lorenzo believes that he can get 1000 or so scalp grafts and mix in 500 beard to fill in the areas on the top front that are looking thin. If all goes well he thinks it best to wait to see if I another procedure 4-6 month later is possible. I am OK with this more conservative approach. I first saw Dr. Umar last year who recommended 2500 scalp and 2500 beard grafts but I just didn't think that I should go that aggressive especially with that many beard grafts without first exhausting all of my scalp donor supply. My thinking is that Lorenzo is the best at maximizing FUE yield so why take any chances anywhere else when I have so little scalp donor left to waste and I can alway go with beard hair as a last resort.
  3. I am scheduled for a one day procedure and will be flying back to Seattle on the second morning after the procedure. I hope I left enough time to recover for the long trip and won't be oozing blood on the airline pillow or grossing out neighboring passengers. Will I be able to wear a loose hat for the 18 hr sojourn home?
  4. Not that I needed and further reassurance as I am scheduled with Dr Lorenzo in March, though after seeing your photos I feel even better about my choice of doctors
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