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Posts posted by hairweare

  1. I would agree with Rootz's reasoning provided the surgeon has the technical and artistic skill to skillfully extract the grafts in a diffuse pattern that disguises the subsequent thinning. Less contrast between the recipient and donor areas if done well will serve to enhance the illusion that the HT is entirely natural appearing. Not only did I not like seeing the linear scar after a short haircut, but the persistent feeling of tightness is something you eventually deal with but it never truly goes away completely.

  2. It has been many years since I have used them but I recall buying Amex checks at a bank for a nominal fee but I would call Amex directly to inquire as getting them direct may be the cheaper option. You don't need to have a designee since they work the same as cash. The difference is that the numbers are registered and Amex covers you if they are lost or stolen. I paid by credit card in Manchester the clinic tacked on a 3% fee on top of what the CC charged. Since my balance is relatively small for my upcoming procedure I plan on withdrawing Euros by ATM and have asked my bank to raise my daily limit from 1000USD to 2000USD. I would agree that tax and fee issues are the reason clinics accept only cash.

  3. It was sort of a PITA to translate them, but most of the comments seem to parallel what we have read here. It appears that the actual patients are very happy with their results, while some criticize his high fees, dry personality etc, and claim that there is equal if not better quality at a much lower price in Turkey and Cyprus. I think that discussion has been pretty much discussed here ad nauseum already.


    I think the bottom line is if you can afford him and don't want to take more chances than necessary to get the most out a FUE procedure then he is the one to go to. I noted that posters in Spain claim that there is a 4-5 month wait list and if he advises a more conservative two procedure approach as he did with me, he does discount the second procedure so that the price is competitive with what it would have cost to have a much larger single session.

  4. We can agree to disagree of course but you did make some strong statements critical of FUE for all to consider on their own. The audience here is well informed and will make their minds up based on many factors and will use the information available in the forum as a valuable resource. It is appreciated that you are offering your profession opinions and experience and I look forward to seeing more of your results in the future.

  5. Even If you achieve great density at the hairline and top which creates the illusion of fullness, that density will still be far less than the density of the donor region. This of course is an even greater contrast in higher Norwoods. If FUE is done skillfully the donor area will not appear any different that it did pre-op and the contrast between donor and recipient areas will be less which I believe to be desirable. If one if satisfied with a thinner than the original native but still visually aesthetic transplanted recipient area, why would a modest diffusely thinned donor area be of much concern?


    I was a victim of 3 FUTs performed using a triple bladed scalpel. The many follicles which had to be transected in order to obtain those strips is a frightening thought. Even with today's more refined strip surgery, the blade has to transect follicles along the incision line especially those groupings that are in the telogen phase which the surgeon wouldn't be able to see and avoid even with loupes.


    Before my recent FUE with Lorenzo, I went to see Dr. Rassman who thought my donor supply was pretty much exhausted and felt that at best only 500-700 grafts could be obtained. I eventually had 1500 by FUE and 8 months later I see no difference in my donor area other than the fact that the 6mm wide occipital scar is now pretty much covered up by the 300 beard grafts placed. Judging by the result of the other 1500 grafts in the frontal 1/2, if I can get anything close to the density result from another 1500/300 grafts to the back, I will be very happy that I didn't agree to another 500 graft FUT procedure.

  6. I serious doubt that Dr. Lorenzo would agree with your claim that FUE is the more invasive of the two procedures and results in greater more significant scaring. He originally performed FUT and abandoned it years ago to perfect FUE. Again if you truly believe that it is inferior, in good conscience you should only do it for those rare cases where there is lack of scalp laxity. Also, by performing 90% of the procedure himself, he is limited to one case/day and expends far more man/hrs per case than if he were to hire technicians to do FUTS under his supervision.


    It appears to me that many US physicians are offering robotic FUE in order to meet the rising demand for FUE while avoiding the learning curve required to perfect a newer technique or apportioning the greater degree of physician time FUE performed manually would require.


    As you note the economics may be indeed different in Turkey, but your views on FUE do not serve to promote you well among prospective European and NA patients who do not want to undergo FUT.

  7. I will soon find out but being the perfectionist that he is, I doubt that the results will be any less impressive. I suspect like most of us who do procedures we are most comfortable on our "home turf" working with assistants and techs that we are most familiar with.

  8. I decided not to take a chance as the best way to promote healing and prevent infection is to leave it open to air and use the saline spray as directed. I thought I would have been more self conscious about my shaved head but in reality it wasn't so bad, It didn't appear that anyone took particular notice either. The guy sitting next to me during our 13 hr flight asked me if I was military during our conversation but left it at that when I replied I was not. Most of us I think are so elated that the procedure is over with and that they have done something positive towards feeling more confident about themselves that it becomes much less of an issue than what you feared it to be pre-op.

  9. Dr. Emre,

    I am disappointed that you would want a patient to choose what you believe to be the inferior procedure because it is more profitable to you. As a physician it is your obligation to always place the patient's interests first regardless whether we are discussing a heart procedure or plastic surgery. I hope you didn't mean it that way, but if you truly believe that the science supports FUT over FUE, then by continuing to do FUE you are damaging your own credibility.


    I also don't agree with your comparative assessment and if FUE were more profitable and easier to perform for the physician, I can assure you that clinics in the USA like Bosley would have jumped on that bandwagon years ago.

  10. It appears that you have good donor supply and excellent hair characteristics. However you should be aware that ultimately it may require upwards between 6-8 thousand grafts to achieve a full natural appearance. I wouldn't do it all at once but the physician you choose should offer you a long term plan and discuss the best strategy in order to achieve it. If you are willing to go to Germany why not also consult in person with the two well known physicians in Belgium?

  11. A point that seems to be ignored is that the density of the recipient area will always be considerably less than the donor area. In a NW6 that contrast as manifested by the persistent "horseshoe" would be more pronounced with a FUT procedure where the density difference persists as opposed to a large FUE procedure where the uniform decrease in density of the donor area will contrast less with the transplanted front and top regions. I see that as an advantage of FUE rather than a limitation.

  12. At .05mg/day DHT will still be inhibited 50-70%. Side effects may also subside over time. In your case I would stop it to see if there is a true relationship between your testicular pain and the med. If it subsides and reoccurs when you restart later then will know that it is an actual side effect. Reducing the dose and giving it some time may allow you to tolerate it long term.

  13. Unfortunately your hair loss is likely to progress even to a NW6 down the road. I doubt you will be able to avoid multiple procedures wether you choose FUT or FUE. If you select your physician wisely, yield should not be the deciding factor but rather having a large permanent occipital scar or not is.

  14. If you are looking for the most consistency in quality and professional pride in the outcome then choose a clinic where the physician is most involved because his reputation is on the line for each and every case and outcome. On the other hand if price is your primary objective, shop around and understand that if your procedure is primarily performed by techs, they are employees and not all are equally motivated or skilled. While it is of course still possible to end up with a satisfactory result, it is obviously going to be more a roll of the dice, so in essence you do get what you pay for most of the time.

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