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Posts posted by WHTC-7706631290

  1. @Chocolatelover





    Hello. Sounds like you’ve done your homework on current hair transplant technique. You have lots of time to shop around for good pricing with good surgeons. Many clinics want you to call them in order to get info on cost. Cost of the surgery matters a lot but it’s not as important as your happiness. Try to stay around a cost of about 2.5GBP per graft. I like the way you are utilizing your resources. Ryanair.com has extremely cheap flights from the UK to many European countries. I just found a roundtrip flight from London (STN) to Pisa (PSA) and on to Brussels, Belgium for 130 GBP.



    Having surgical hair restoration is a life decision. It’s not a good idea to limit your choices of a clinic based on geographical location. There’s no point in having anything done if it isn’t going to look natural. Even one misplaced graft can make the hairline appear unnatural. The location and design of the hairline has to be created with fine single-hair grafts. The hairline is what people always notice first. You are almost always going to get what you pay for in terms of quality. The actual process of a hair transplant involves far more intricate details than most consumers actually realize. The surgeon’s hands, instrumentation, and surgical protocols all affect the quality of the procedure. Many things need to happen in order to achieve a great end result. During the procedure, the grafts have to be properly trimmed for size, well-stored for survival, and properly placed onto the hairline for an aesthetically pleasing result.



    I challenge you to conduct a simple search for patients who’ve experienced the physiological effects of poor hairline work. There are still many surgeons in the UK that can’t perform natural hairline design. This is sad but true. You wouldn’t want to have to hide your hairline because its appearance is unbearable. As of today, there aren’t or at least I hope there aren’t any clinics still doing mini & micro plug procedures in Europe. These days, a bad result happens when follicular unit grafts are poorly placed. The misangled hair will grow in the wrong direction and oftentimes will be too bulky in appearance. It costs more to repair a bad hairline than it does to build a good one.



    I encourage you to attend a few in-person consultations that are not in the UK. Otherwise, you’ll hear what you want to hear prior to embarking upon a real problem. Belgium may honestly have the most skilled clinics in all of Europe.












    Meet WHTC's Dr. Patrick Mwamba in London - Free consultations on Feb. 15th, 2014 (Sat.)















    My opinions are not necessarily the opinions of Dr. Patrick Mwamba, MD.

  2. This is a great example of showing how an FUE donor area looks when it is in fact shaved down extremely low. I believe that every patient who seeks surgical hair restoration should see just how visible the effects of an FUE procedure can be. More specifically, this is a close and realistic view of an FUE & FUT harvested donor area that many fellow forum viewers only hope to see from a clinic. Many people don't know that there will always be a scar after any surgery is performed. The question is how visible will a wound be after it has fully healed. FUE isn’t flawless, but it does produce better aesthetic results in the donor area than FUT a.k.a. strip.


  3. @Chemicalbrother


    Hi. Do you know if there was a list that you could be put in case they have a cancellation? The clinic may have some system established to shorten your waiting period. We try to accommodate those who need special arrangements made even though the operating schedule is quite strict. I bet that they have a list or something in place to simplify the waiting process.


    Have you also consulted with any clinics who are actively participating in the study of donor doubling?




    Free in-person consultations in London with Dr. Patrick Mwamba - Sat., Feb. 15th, 2014

  4. @ Irishsailor




    Hey there, Irishsailor. Dr. Patrick Mwamba still performs FUT in some cases after careful examination has been conducted. He usually will determine if a patient is a strip candidate based on the patient’s specific goals. Some patients come to him to revise their strip scars and some come to him for treating complications with their strip scars. Even with performing trichophytic closure, we still effectively prefer FIT (non-strip) method over FUT (strip).





    Free in-person consultations in London with Dr. Patrick Mwamba - Sat., Feb. 15th, 2014


    World Hair Transplant Center

  5. This patient's donor area is shaved to the skin. This is a great example of showing how an FUE donor area looks when it is in fact shaved down too low. I believe that every patient who seeks surgical hair restoration should see just how visible the effects of an FUE procedure can be. More specifically, this is a close and realistic view of an FUE & FUT harvested donor area that many fellow forum viewers only hope to see from a clinic.


    Many people don't know that there will always be a scar after any surgery is performed. The question is how visible will a wound be after it has fully healed. Follicular Unit Extraction will produce less visible scarring for those who like to wear short hairstyles. The goal of an FUE patient is to have the least invasive procedure and remain less detectable as a hair transplant patient who can wear a short hairstyle. The average person would be hard-pressed to identify an FUE donor buzzed above a one blade. FUE isn’t perfect, but it does produce better aesthetic results in the donor area than FUT a.k.a. strip.


    New - Free London consultations with Dr. Patrick Mwamba - Sat., Feb. 15th, 2014

  6. This result looks natural for sure, but I don't think that many males in their mid-forties look good with aggressive hairlines. I think that it can look somewhat feminine when there's no natural recession of the hair line. The patient definitely has to have the bone structure to allow this hairline height to look natural. The patient has a more vertical forehead for a male. The slightly wavy hair characteristics create great coverage value.

  7. Stabilizing your hair loss by medical therapy is a very intelligent course of action. Dr. Patrick Mwamba would have advised you to do the same. Your doctor took a very ethical approach in devising your treatment plan, but this, in my honest opinion is critical for all patients. Hair loss has a progressive nature. I hope that you respond well to the medication and maintain your positive attitude. You're saving money and donor resources until the appropriate time comes.


    It is difficult to predict what you will see in terms of results so you may want to snap off a few photos for memory sake. Typically, the results from finasteride climax at about twelve months from the date the medication is started. I look forward to seeing any posted updates. Thanks for sharing.


    New - London consultations with Dr. Patrick Mwamba - Sat., Feb. 15th, 2014







    My opinions are not necessarily the opinions of Dr. Patrick Mwamba.

  8. Here's a glimpse of a strip and FUE donor area. The patient came to us after the strip (FUT) procedure. We were able to camouflage the scar by grafting it with FUE by FIT. There are subtle indications that the FUE session was performed. The healed donor area is shaved very low in the photo. The patient's donor area was harvested by Dr. Patrick Mwamba at World Hair Transplant Center's European branch. The photo labeled "FUE by FIT" may be the closest view of an FUE donor that you're going find.


    New - London consultations with Dr. Patrick Mwamba - Sat., Feb. 15th, 2014



  9. Far too many patients come to us after being told that they will have a pencil-thin strip scar if they were told of any chances of linear scarring at all. Many times the scar will stretch over time and the patient can never wear their hair short on the back and sides. Sometimes the orientation of the hair in the donor zone can be skewed because the hair above and below the scar can be misangled. This isn’t fair to the patient because they should be given full disclosure of all possible after effects of strip surgery.


    To treat strip scars, we usually can achieve significant improvement with two small sessions of grafting by FIT. The approach to add lower density over more than one session has allowed us to conclude that the transplanted grafts have a much higher survival rate and better blood supply. Strip scars can usually be treated after six months.

    This is an inspiring result because there are many patients who don't have the freedom to wear it shorter in the back. Not only will this patient be less self-conscious about being discovered in public but the patient can also walk away from any further surgery with a pristine donor area. I would speculate that most barbers couldn’t detect that there was any surgery ever performed on this patient.


    This case provides significant hope that the latest advancements of our follicular isolation technique (FIT) procedure are in fact helpful to improve the aesthetics of our patients’ results in both the donor area and the recipient region.




    New - London consultations with Dr. Patrick Mwamba - Sat., Feb. 15th, 2014

  10. Far too many patients come to us after being told that they will have a pencil-thin strip scar if they were told of any chances of linear scarring at all. Many times the scar will stretch over time and the patient can never wear their hair shaved short on the back and sides. Sometimes the orientation of the hair in the donor zone can be skewed because the hair above and below the scar can be misangled. This isn’t fair to the patient because they should be given full disclosure of all possible after effects of strip surgery.

    To treat strip scars, we usually can achieve significant improvement with two small sessions of grafting by FIT. The approach to add lower density over more than one session has allowed us to conclude that the transplanted grafts have a much higher survival rate and better blood supply. Strip scars can usually be treated after six months.

    Below is a view of a strip scar in the donor region that displays hair growing in opposite directions.







    New - London consultations with Dr. Patrick Mwamba - Sat., Feb. 15th, 2014

  11. Rothki,

    In terms of assessing the results, the donor zone is the only area that attracts my attention. I would bet that a hand full of grafts (60 FUE grafts) would significantly camouflage the linear scar if you are going to keep it short on the back and sides.



    I think that your hair looks much better after the procedure and is definitely much thicker. For me, I am entertaining the idea that you could influence some of us to feel a bit jealous. You can only style your hair if you have it. To have undergone a procedure, incite the critical opinions of others, and be in the position to wear your hair differently out of fun shows respectable intent to say the least. You are only a warrior in my book if you have the confidence to try something different. Establishing real swagger isn't easy for anyone, much less for individuals who have suffered from significant hair loss. You should be able to do whatever it is that you want to do.



    Wear it proudly as if you’ve never had it, Rothki.




    New - London consultations with Dr. Patrick Mwamba - Sat., Feb. 15th, 2014

    101 FIT grafts into linear scar


  12. JohnnyMarr,


    I would have simply made a bank transfer in order to avoid multiple transaction fees. I would also carry extra travel cash (euro) just in case the clinic sees the need for a few extra grafts to be placed while you're in the chair.





    Meet WHTC's Dr. Patrick Mwamba in London - Free consultations on Feb. 15th, 2014

  13. This patient pursued our clinic in hopes of obtaining a lower frontal hairline by Follicular Isolation technique. Similar to FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), FIT involves harvesting hair in the donor area without use of a scalpel, knife, or stitches. The patient has medium caliber hair with above average donor density.


    Patients who desire a less conservative frontal hairline are cautioned to consider medical therapy as hair loss can be a progressive condition. Understanding the nature of hair loss is important for all individuals who seek surgical hair restoration methods to treat their hair loss.


    Dr. Patrick Mwamba successfully treated this forty-plus-year-old class III patient by transplanting 2500 FIT grafts in one session over multiple days. The hairline was established with single-hair grafts to maintain naturalness. At nine months post-op, this patient has already obtained significant coverage and has a more youthful appearance. The patient is satisfied with reaching the desired goal.


  14. Hello BeardedOne,


    I would consider your hair loss pattern to be a class 3 and a potential class 3V based on the photos. The current location of your hairline is appropriate for age thirty-two but the recessions on both sides should be grafted to balance the front. I see no reason to lower the frontal hairline. You have maintained the frontal forelock well and both temple peaks look evenly defined. The conservative approach would be to only add hair where it is currently missing.



    The crown may not change anytime soon, but you could sprinkle maybe one hundred grafts in there to improve the quality of the hair. Placing grafts in the crown should be done at a specific density not to traumatize the native hair that currently exists although it appears as if you’ll lose a percentage of them anyway. Your crown can’t be filled by adding grafts on top of grafts or in the space occupied by existing hair. Once you graft a crown like yours, you may not see a drastic increase in density or the result you want. You run the risk of causing more shock loss by adding higher density. It can be difficult to create the illusion of dense coverage with just one pass. I suspect that you would see an improvement by adding conservative density in the crown. The transplanted hair would provide more coverage value than the native hair. The crown is a whorl which has hair growth angles in all directions.



    Don’t go to a hair restoration clinic that hasn’t produced natural looking hairline results on a consistent basis. The purpose of a hair transplant is to cover the scalp and create natural, aesthetically pleasing results. Not all well-known clinics are reputable so do your due diligence before deciding on one clinic. Going to a reputable clinic will allow you to wear your hair slicked back without detection. A significant other shouldn’t be able to detect the procedure, much less the person standing in line behind you.



    Clipping your hair down to a 2 or 3 blade should be no problem with a minimally invasive surgical method. You have lighter skin so I don’t suspect that you would experience any issues with pigmentation and healing. Some patients can experience changes in pigmentation in the areas of extraction in the donor zone.



    From my observation with patients who’ve had hairline work performed, they tend to style their hair upward. I have seen few patients cover the hairline after it has been restored.




    Have a wonderful weekend!



















    My opinions are not necessarily the opinions of Dr. Patrick Mwamba.

  15. Nick72,


    Minoxidil is a good idea for helping to decrease your rate of hair loss. You would more than likely see little results with starting Minoxidil if your crown looks good after so many years on Finasteride. The reality of beginning Minoxidil is that you'd probably only notice the results after discontinuing its use. Your hair loss has stabilized and you seem to indicate that you are content as well. You can reconsider Minoxidil at a future date or when you notice a change in your crown. Remember to snap off a few photos once in a while. They'll help document the progression for future reference. Best of wishes.










    My opinions are not necessarily the opinions of Dr. Patrick Mwamba.

  16. Hello Spanker,


    The traits of the new anagen hairs will continue to be weak unless you become proactive with medical therapy. You can improve the characteristics (diameter and weight) of these hairs.


    It may be time for you to consider snapping off a few photos to monitor the progression. At least you would have a record to observe for future reference.




    Free In-person consultations in London with WHTC's Dr. Patrick Mwamba - Saturday, February 15, 2014










    My opinions are not necessarily the opinions of Dr. Patrick Mwamba.

  17. Hey Traction,


    As long as you don't do any strenuous physical activity, you can go to work as early as you want. What you should do is take off about five straight days to avoid having to wear ANYTHING on your head for an extended period of time. You want those grafts to set and allow adequate time for them to heal. You shouldn't have any problem returning to work on 16 Jan.





    Free in-person consultations in London with WHTC's Dr. Patrick Mwamba - Saturday, February 15, 2014









    My opinions are not necessarily the opinions of Dr. Patrick Mwamba.

  18. nice result but what is FIT?




    Our approach to follicular unit extraction (FUE) is called follicular isolation technique (FIT). FIT is very effective because of instrumentation, protocols, and experience. Dr. Patrick Mwamba is able to maintain a very low injury rate to the harvested follicular units. The method yields consistent results.





    Meet WHTC's Dr. Patrick Mwamba in London - Free consultations Feb. 15th, 2014

    World Hair Transplant Center



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    My opinions are not necessarily the opinions of Dr. Patrick Mwamba.

  19. You can identify miniaturizing hairs because these hairs begin to weaken in caliber, grow at a slower rate, and become lighter in pigment. If what you want to do is extend the life of these hairs then you must extend the time that they are in the active growth phase and shorten the time that the hair is in the resting phase. Blocking dihydrotestosterone (DHT) isn't the only thing important for your existing hair. You should also use anagen stimulators to prolong the life of your hair.





    Meet WHTC's Dr. Patrick Mwamba in London - Free consultations Feb. 15th, 2014

    World Hair Transplant Center



    Web: www.mywhtc.com

    Email: customer.care@mywhtc.com


    Tel USA: 770 663-1290


    Tel UK: 44 2033186228


    Tel BE: 32 479753281

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