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Everything posted by dutchman

  1. I am located in OKC. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks Future_HT_Doc
  2. Thanks a lot Future_HT_Doc. I contacted a few and they recommend a trial procedure. I was just hoping i could get some info on people with the same problem maybe.
  3. Just a minor scrape and an acne scar caused the keloids on the chest. I had multiple cuts form my barber on acne on the back of my head without scaring so I figured that meant I dont form them on my head but I don't know.
  4. Hi guys I am considering FUE for my hair transplant. I however have a history of keloid scars. 2 on the chest. Had a lot of scrapes on the back of my head from razors and did not develop any permanent scars. I don't know if this means I will not get keloids from the FUE procedure. I am 33 years old. Does anyone know much about this procedure and keloids?
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