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Everything posted by Youltaithe1977

  1. Looking at this site made me afraid of getting a HT and I had put it off for a few years. Then after looking in the mirror one morning I figured it was time to revisit the idea and to do some more research. I ran across this forum and seen that Washington Medical Hair Center received positive reviews. I am now 100% positive that most of those reviews were fake. The professionalism at this company was horrible. I figured since the majority of people that were praising WMC were also tongue in cheek bashing Virginia Surgical Center I decided to do a little research on them. I was a bit surprise since nothing negative that I have read on this site did I find truthful. The site wasn't the best that I had ever seen but it was more professional than most. The images on the site were no different than any other before and afters that I have seen. Anyway I decided to give them a shot, and although they were not the cheapest in the local market they were able to achieve incredible results for me.
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