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Everything posted by msullivan777

  1. why did u use "ahole" and "roid rage" to "describe" me? do u have a mental complex cos ur butt ugly beyond repair and hide behind an illusory profile pic? and were bullied at childhood because of ur ugliness at a tender age? u probably, do right and u probably were, right? "butt" btw isn't a cuss word.... u can easily lose ur veteran status like u probably lost ur job for being so caustic in ur tone and mannerism. keep being caustic and a jerk (both words, again not "cuss" words but words found in any English dictionary. go rant and rave and get mad on facebook where u belong with an equally illusive fake profile pic to cowardly get away with trying to hurt people's feelings cos u don't have the courage to be a decent person given the obvious trials and tribulations of ur obviously miserable life. In the end, I have the last laugh because everyone can tell that you're a miserable skinny wimp who even with a hair transplant probably has a hook nose and big ears that ur saving up money for....im probably right, aren't i? haha
  2. look at the confrontational words he uses "roid rage" this isn't "facebook", and "a-hole" if your indeed a managing editor, u need to reprimand him no matter what his "status" is....Because of the words he uses, he's a miserable person who obviously lost too much hair and is a wimp to show his real face and photos.
  3. look at the confrontational words he uses "roid rage" this isn't "facebook", and "a-hole" if your indeed a managing editor, u need to reprimand him no matter what his "status" is....Because of the words he uses, he's a miserable person who obviously lost too much hair and is a wimp to show his real face and photos.
  4. you're right spanker. he'd have to be a total sleezeball with a smiling face if he did that given the tons of patients he must get also. he has an anti-aging Testosterone/ HgH practice also. I'm sure he wouldn't want an unsatisfied patient especially since I come from a legal background and have kind of given the tone that I'm a type A personality who in all likelihood might "fight for his right" to have a "fair" procedure done. The other "person"/troll who replied to my post contributed nothing, all he wanted it seemed is to find out which doctor I used so he could stay clear from him. That's real selfish behavior. I read him like a cheap 25 cent working man's newspaper, that's how obvious he was/and came across. he's real low class---what do u expect with a low class username like pulpfiction....spanker on the other hand---i hope u spank as many hot single women as possible with a full head of hair that statistically women love to run their fingers thru (if u aren't already married--haha---LoL)
  5. learn some manners and dont be confrontational. who my doc isn't a matter of public info., his rep is on the line it wasn't answered in almost 2 days how did u ever become a veteran member? u sound like a troll....and post a real pic of urself unless u have something to hide i use abbreviations cos unlike u, i have a high i.q. and don't have to spell everything out but instead use my valuable time and resources efficiently facebook has nothing to do with it- dont bother replying cos i simply won't look at the trash u write
  6. No, he put it where he suggested it....& where he told me he would. As I mentioned, I sort of wanted it in the front (like to the left & right & center right above the forehead) where it's obviously more visible...(that's the 1st thing people see--they don't see or care about hair on top, especially if ur tall like I am and the hot babe u want to get into her pants is a petite chic) Again, he suggested in the middle top part of the head cos the hair would grow and trickle down and eventually reach the all-important front area. That's where he planted those 1000 grafts. "I have too much Testosterone which for my head hair is a bad thing but for everything else might be a good thing" --Mike Sullivan (me)
  7. what's up 52 views & not 1 of my American/US peeps fellow hair transplant patients/aspiring hair transplant docs/or current hair transplant doctors can' say...SOMETHIN LIKE: "it's unethical for a hair transplant doc to offer/suggest a different location for planting grafts contrary to a patient's original suggestion for the purpose of making the patient unsatisfied so that the patient will return to the doctor soon and for more grafts?" AREN'T HAIR TRANSPLANT DOCS BOUND BY THE SAME HIPPOCRATIC OATH OTHER DOCS ADHERE TO, OR THE A.M.A. (AMERICAN MEDICAL ASS'N) NOT TO LIE OR MISLEAD IN ORDER TO ACQUIRE MORE BUSINESS AND FREQUENT BUSINESS IN THE FUTURE. I MEAN I KNOW IT'S COSMETIC SURGERY WHERE THERE ARE MORE SHADY DOCS THAN LET'S SAY A VASCULAR SURGEON OR A CARDIOLOGIST. COME on please at least 2-3 of u should know this.....? please? thanks. i need help on this..... thanks..
  8. I basically have 2 questions: Background Info.: I had two hair jobs. 1 for 2000 grafts 1 yr ago, 1 for 1000 grafts 2 days ago, totalling 3,000 grafts on what I think originally was a Norwood 4 or 5 hair loss. The doctor before my 2nd procedure of 1000 grafts suggested (against my wishes of top front left & top front right and top front 20 percent of my head on my 2nd treatment of only 1000 grafts). He suggested instead that I have those 1000 grafts done further away from the hair line towards the middle top. His reasoning was that the hair would grow from his suggested aread and reach the front. As u know, people are more concerned with the front of any cosmetic surgery or work. Like when u bleach ur teeth for more whiteness, you want the dentist to 1st bleach the top teeth cos that's what most people see, the top set of teeth. Im not sure if the doc suggest this because so that I'd be less than pleased and go back for more grafts sooner or if he did so because based on his experience, it'd be more bang for my buck??? I'm also wondering if it's unethical for him to have chose the former, not the latter. I hope that he placed those grafts in the middle top of my head for more bang for my buck--since I'm on a tight budget. So here are the 2 questions: question #1: You think the hair transplant doc (hair job doc for sake of brevity) planted 1000 grafts in the mid top part of my hair to strategically maximize the amount of grafts which would grow and cover the gaps in the all-important front left & front right and front center of the hair which as I mentioned, is the most visible part than the crown, obviously).??? or he did it so that I'd be less than pleased and eager to have more grafts done by him and done sooner? (again, I'm hoping he's bound by some ethics and he chose the 1st one above since I really want to see a big improvement in the all-important, more visible front part of the head). question #2: I also banged the top of my head against an olympic barbell resting on a bench press stand in my room. I did so cos im on post op medicine 2 days after this 2nd procedure & groggy/clumsy as a result of same. btw---no fresh wet blood occured, but it was a hard enough bump to hurt for 15 minutes. Did I damage any grafts? It shouldn't be a problem, if there was no wet blood oozing from the area into which grafts were transplanted, right? Thanks for any help. I really appreciate the time and help you took in reading this for a fellow person losing their hair who needs added confidence, especially with being such a temporary "loser" with the oppposite sex. BACKGROUND INFO. ON ATTACHED PHOTOS: (the photos of me inside with the bronze type lighting facing head on into the camera is the one before ANY grafts were done) The 2nd photo of me is a profile pic from the side ten (10) months after my 2000 graft procedure. As with a lot of HT graft patients, applying gel and hair spray make the grafts and the hair more visible.
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