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Posts posted by Since21

  1. 6 minutes ago, Phil36fromaus said:

    He went to a doc recommended on this site, noticed immediately there were massive problems and then sought help.

    There weren't 'massive' problems. I've seen much worse. And he will be able to rectify it if he does his research and chooses well the next time. It's no wonder he was on a ledge. Smh

  2. 23 minutes ago, jjsrader said:

    He doesn't need therapy.  He screwed up and he knows it.  He's venting.  Just 'cause you did it right w/your surgeon doesn't make you superior.

    It's easy for members with good results to give perfect advice.  I feel bad for him 'cause his doctor dropped the ball.  And everybody here knows it. 

    He'll figure it out but let him work it out in this thread.  He was man enough to create this thread and rightfully so he is venting.  It's a process. 

    Plus, threads like this are interesting for all and there is much to learn for newer members - it gives perspective from each end of the spectrum.

    Thanks for posting though - your perspective is also appreciated.


    I'm not giving him advice as someone who chose well and feels superior, I'm giving him advice as someone who has benefitted from therapy for anxiety, among other things. I was being empathetic to what I perceived as a level of anxiety way above the norm. 

  3. 1 minute ago, Lennney said:

    Thanks for the input. As far as expensive goes, have you given any thought to generics (?), Online stores [possibly India](?), Or going across border to Canada or Mexico or picking it up from travels abroad? 

    Even if it was less expensive, it doesn't sound like you're looking to up dosage from your current regiment. But have you thought of less expensive means? Did you not like generics?

    I tried Proscar many years ago and noticed considerable shedding so I went back to Propecia. Might have been psychological of course. At this point, I wouldn't up the dosage. In fact, I might try .5mg/6x week and see how that works. 

  4. After reading this entire thread, all I know is I wouldn't want the OP sitting next to me on a plane if it ran into severe turbulence. I nominate his girlfriend for Sainthood if she's still with him. :) The amount of anxiety I see being expressed here is not healthy. I see the moderators as trying to be the voices of reason. Not defending the surgeon. And I don't always agree with them on that issue. If I were them, I would lock this thread. I don't think it's helping the OP. 

    To the OP, purely from a psychological standpoint, it appears you have issues with impulse control, OCD, and you admitted to some level of body dysmorphia. From your hair characteristics, you are a great candidate for hair restoration. From a psychological standpoint, not so much. Know thyself. Take some responsibility. There is no excuse for not doing thorough research before undergoing any kind of cosmetic surgery in this day and age. You're not in your twenties. You're 40. Old enough to know better.

    You said you were impulsive about getting a HT, and then 6 days after getting it, you're talking about removing the grafts? And 15 days later you're shaving the recipient area? Anxiety, doubt and wondering if you made a terrible mistake are all normal feelings following hair restoration surgery, even with a top doctor. But this is extreme, and no amount of reassuring from strangers on a forum is going to help you. Every reassurance or confirmation you receive only triggers more questions and concerns. It's like playing Whack-A-Mole with your worries. You need professional help for that level of anxiety. I mean that in the kindest way. 

    I'm not going to really comment on the work itself since I feel like you've received a pretty thorough analysis already. Except to say, it's certainly not the worst I've seen on here, not even close. And I wasn't aghast at your pictures. With your hair characteristics, you should be able to rectify this and achieve a result that you will be very happy with. But I would get some therapy first and do a lot of research before you go down this road again. It doesn't appear you are mentally fit for it right now. Good luck. 

    • Thanks 1
  5. I've been taking it since it came onto the market in 1997. I used to take 1mg daily. Now I only take .5mg daily/5x week and 1mg/2x week (Mondays and Fridays). Its gotten too expensive (Propecia) and from all the research I've done, .5mg is supposedly as effective as 1mg. I don't know if that's true but I haven't noticed any difference. As for side effects, I haven't noticed any, although my libido has decreased slightly in recent years, but that could be age and my GP has said that is most likely the case. 

  6. On 2/4/2019 at 5:31 PM, CaliHairGuy said:I'm thinking I may get another procedure done in the next 3-4 years. I have no complaints about Konior other than his list is long :)


    On 2/4/2019 at 5:31 PM, CaliHairGuy said:

    I'm thinking I may get another procedure done in the next 3-4 years. I have no complaints about Konior other than his list is long :)

    I was thinking about it for awhile too, so I booked in Dec 2017 for a procedure with Konior in Dec 2018. Gave me time to think about it more. ;) 


  7. 3 minutes ago, Markee said:

    Since21 Could you possibly elaborate a bit on which negative results/experiences ultimately turned you off from him ?

    It was 5 years ago. When you do your research, you are evaluating and disseminating a lot of information and results. I talked to 5-6 doctors once I narrowed down my search, looked at hundreds of results, talked to patients, spent many hours on this forum, etc. I don't remember specific cases or results, to be honest. I just remember there were enough mixed results to steer me in another direction. 

  8. 1 minute ago, Melvin-Moderator said:


    please pm me your name and date if surgery. I will reach out to Dr. Keller for you. It’s only fair to give him a chance to explain. 

    In my opinion, sounds like there was a lack of communication and mismatched expectations, but please give Dr. Keller the authorization to speak about your case. I also suggest posting pre-op photos and up to date photos of your results.

    Analog, if you are as desperate and disappointed with the results as you claim to be, I would take Melvin up on his offer. Otherwise, you lack credibility and are wasting everyone's time. 

  9. 3 hours ago, MarshallUK said:

    Tried some wax on it the other day to see how it was coming on, all in different lights. Still only 4 months 1 week in so think am coming on nicely.  Only thing I am unsure off is the new fringe line is straight up which is different to my normal hair. I noticed the doctor does this a lot and gets great results with it, it's just getting used to it i guess 

    The fun begins. Bisanga was my second choice behind Konior based on geography. Love his work. His and Konior's hairlines are exceptional. Looking forward to seeing your results. Happy growing.

  10. On 12/20/2018 at 10:45 PM, AnalogFeel said:

    The 2nd pic is incredible density - looks like a very solid NW1.5 with zero diffuse loss. I don't care about lighting - no kind of lighting can make diffuse loss hair look that perfect. You can't even see a millimeter of scalp there.

    I'm in the film business. Lighting is everything. I can take one pic of my hair from overhead with harsh lighting in my bathroom and nearly have a panic attack because I see patches of scalp. I can take another in my living room with no overhead light and it looks like I have Ryan Gosling hair — no scalp whatsoever. The lighting conditions in the two shots you posted are dramatically different. You have no idea what you're talking about, and this thread is exhausting. 

  11. Get on fin 

    8 hours ago, ronipad said:

    I usually wear my hair much longer (5-10 cm) just cut to 10 mm now to see how much hair I really have better.

    I am not on Finasterid, used it a couple of years when I was younger, but stopped using it 6 years ago.

    Could imagine starting with Fin again, but only after we had our second baby, don’t want to risk any fertility problems at the moment. So in about 2 years from now I could start again.

    I had a child while taking Fin. No problem there. I would get on it and see if it helps recover any of what you have lost. It usually has a diminishing effect in that regard, however. Meaning, at first you might notice some regrowth, then the MPB will resume after awhile. At least that's what happened to me. That said, if you long for a David Beckham hairline, you'd only need a small FUE session. Looks like you have good characteristics. Like someone else said, life is short. 

  12. 12 minutes ago, in2deep said:

    Since. You’ve had HT’s with Dr K correct? If i was to get someone to correct my transplant and give me a more natural hairline, would u recommend Dr K? He is booked until March 2020 and I have researched for a year on this site, can’t find anyone that does better jobs at HT’s than Dr K and he can help me repair mine. What do u think

    I can't recommend him strongly enough. I think he creates some of the softest, most natural hairlines I've seen. I also admire Bisanga's hairline as well. Similar to Dr K's in their refinement. Between the two, for me it would come down to geography in relation to where I lived. That said, I can only comment on the experience I had with Dr. K, and you will like his hands-on approach. I don't think the guy ever sleeps. If you email him at 4am his time, it's not unusual to receive an immediate reply from him. He's incredibly responsive to all your questions and concerns. 

    • Thanks 1
  13. 39 minutes ago, CatsMeow83 said:

    Now all I have to decide is whether to go FUT or FUE.  

    This is going to sound contradictory. After having done both FUT and FUE, FUT is barbaric in comparison. Much more invasive, and the recovery time is literally like day and night. That said, I'm glad I did FUT first for the higher graft count, and then FUE for a smaller session. In my mind, it just makes sense to do FUT first so you don't 'moth eat' or thin out your donor site on the first pass with a high graft count. Buuuut... I wouldn't dissuade anyone from doing FUE either because you're not taking a chunk of scalp out of your noggin. 

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, CatsMeow83 said:

    Look, no matter which way you slice it, this is a very gray industry and the due diligence process is tough.  Not only does everyone have an opinion, but you have to parse which opinions are real and legitimate, and which are being pushed by shills or other folks with a vested interest (or other tangible bias).  The international aspect of this industry only further complicates the decision making process. 

    Digging through it all is hardly a science.  You just have to make a judgment call based on the weight of the evidence, as you see it.

    Sounds like he's just trying to steer you in the right direction. I had gotten in touch with Rahal's clinic and spoke to his rep when I was researching doctors for my first procedure, but as I dug a little deeper I had started to see enough negative results/experiences that I ultimately eliminated him from my list. Again, good luck in your search. 

    • Like 2
  15. 8 hours ago, Jamothee said:

    That hairline is pretty damn good.. a second run with a few more grafts and you're looking at a home run

    Sure, but this thread is about who does the best hairlines and judging from this result, I wouldn't put this surgeon at the top. And the patient already had minimal receding and great characteristics to start with. I'm more impressed when a surgeon starts from virtually nothing and creates an entirely new natural hairline. That said, the left side facing the patient looks spectacular. The right side is a miss. 

  16. 1 minute ago, in2deep said:

    Appreciate your detailed response, rly i do. I have spoken to Dr. Konior & yes i do want to get rid of the grafts. He said in order to do so they would have to do be excised and there wld be a tradeoff/risk of scarring. & if i was to get a corrective surgery he is currently booked until March 2020 :( Laser will kill the follicles and the grafts indeed, but I want to figure out what can be done to the skin first before I do so.

    i do use foundation at the moment to cover the area, but it is still visible to be honest. I am thinking maybe a self tan cream to help correct the color of that area, something like this (attached below)

    another option is possibly forehead reduction to cut that area of the skin, but I have seen pictures of the surgery and it looks scary & the thought of going through such a surgery looks scary, and usually after forehead reduction, there is a transplant along the hairline to cover the scar of the reduction. 

    In conclusion, I am just searching for solutions to cover the scar tissue developed in that area and make it looks as natural as possible. Thanks again really for your response, i love you haha 😆 💞


    Well, you spoke to one of the best who also has a background in plastic surgery and got an honest response. Might want to consult with his partner, Dr. Nadimi. She also has a background in plastic surgery and isn't booked out as far in advance. I definitely wouldn't do the scalp reduction surgery. It's extreme and let's say you do recede in the future, then you have another scar to contend with. 

    • Thanks 1
  17. 1 minute ago, in2deep said:

    My main question is, is there any way on this planet that I can correct this area in terms of color and texture :( I dont want another transplant this is the only way to look natural in my opinion.

    Not sure what can be done about discoloration and pitting. I don't know where you're located but I would recommend a consultation with someone like Dr. Konior or Dr. Nadimi because they also have a background in plastic surgery. You might also want to consult a reputable dermatologist in your area. Whatever you decide to do, you'll want to take a very considered approach because you don't want to make it worse. If you want to permanently get rid of the hair, then laser will do that. But again, talk to a dermatologist or a top-notch hair restoration/plastic surgeon before you do that. Worst case after laser, you could use foundation to mask the discoloration and pitting. Most guys on this forum would kill for your head of hair, so using a little foundation would be a minor inconvenience. 

    • Thanks 1
  18. On 12/20/2018 at 6:15 AM, TaylorUK said:

    No but I've watched his youtube videos. Like this.

    Interesting, but one side looks natural, the other one does not. And from the front, you can see how it transitions left to right from a more natural and nuanced look to more of a straight edge. I wouldn't consider this a great hairline. A good one for sure, but the patient already had great characteristics. Needs a little tweaking on the right side (facing him). 

    Screen Shot 2019-01-01 at 8.53.31 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2019-01-01 at 8.52.24 AM.png

    Screen Shot 2019-01-01 at 8.56.33 AM.png

  19. 9 hours ago, CatsMeow83 said:

    After I did lengthy research and met with several surgeons and patients, I narrowed my choices down to Dr. Konior and Dr. Bisanga. Konior does exceptional FUT hairline work — one of, if not the best, in my opinion. Soft, natural hairlines. Bisanga is primarily (if not all) FUE, but his hairlines are exceptional as well. On par with Konior's. You will have to wait a considerable amount of time for Konior and he may cost quite a bit more than the prices you've been quoted. But I had my FUT with him 5 years ago so I don't know what his price for that is now. Good luck in your journey. 


  20. 6 hours ago, in2deep said:

    I know. They really should have. They did not draw a new hairline or anything they just kind of did it.... no they did not dissuade me into not doing it they just told me you would prolly need more grafts in 5 years.... disgusting. I got the surgery done in the middle east

    Normally I would say the patient needs to take some responsibility, but you were 20 years old. Unfortunately, if this particular surgeon wouldn't do it, I'm sure you could have kept looking until you found someone who would agree to do it. There are always unethical people out there eager to take advantage of a 'fool' and his money. 

    • Sad 1
  21. 26 minutes ago, ILikeMyHair said:

    Ya I thought the results with Dr. Wong were okay just needed a little density which is what I gone to get filled a little more. I was only thinking of getting maybe 800-1000 grafts more to fill the previous hairline. But I'm such an idiot for letting Dr. Suneet convince me to lower the hairline. Probably the worst decision of my life ever. Lost $8000, 1 year of sanity, and a good hairline. Anyways I also think harvesting from the new 'hairline' is the best option. I don't know if it will scar my forhead though where the extraction occurs. I will go to Dr. Wong to get a consulation. I'm not sure how good they are at doing FUE since they just started doing it recently. But I have no other option now because he's the closest one and doesn't require a flight and a stay in a hotel for me to do it. The most convenient option and least time consuming. Hopefully they are good at FUE as well and can harvest the hair without leaving big visible marks. 

    I wouldn't throw good money after bad, if Dr. Wong isn't great at FUE and doesn't use smaller graft punches. We've all seen what larger graft punches can do to a donor site. I'd definitely consult him, thoroughly research his FUE results, but keep your options open and talk to a few other surgeons who excel at FUE. Nothing you can do about the most recent procedure now, so you shouldn't be in a hurry to rush into something that isn't the absolutely best option for you at this point. 

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