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Everything posted by HairPhoenix

  1. Hi guys thanks for the replies! @Future_HT_Doc Before I had my FUE I always shaved my head and never noticed any oily or swollen skin so I think I can say 99% for sure that it started after my FUE. @blahblah1982 I think you're right. @agenteye Hi Mike, I was thinking of hypertrophic scar or keloid but I haven't seen a dermatologist yet but I'm definitely gonna contact a dermatologist. Thanks for that!
  2. Hey, First of all I'm new on HRN. 2 years after my last FUE I decided to shave my head. After doing so I found out that my skin is so oily & looks little swollen especially in direct sunlight. When the sun shines facing my back you see a line under my hairline, because the skin under my transplant area is thick (unable to take a photo of that because of the direct sunlight in the camera) I took some pictures of the swollen area, but there not that clear. Is this normal? Can I do something about it? Thanks in advance, Newbie.
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