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Everything posted by Jousef

  1. Some people are telling me to seek compensation. How could I ask for compensation from some one who doesn't replay. The best I can do is to warn others.
  2. by baddies » Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:21 pm Salvar is a first class con artist. Everyone needs to be warned. All the positive feedbacks about Vinci Hair clinic are written by him. He cons people out of their money and delivers horrible results and once he got your money you will never hear from him or see him again, and even if you do you will get nothing. You will be left disfigured and without your money. Here is another review Vijay Singh reviewed 11 months ago This Salvar is a 2 bit con artist. He took my money and ruined my life. Any doctor that works with him is a pathetic crook too. He took my cash and butchered me with a fake doctor and girlfriend who cut the grafts. I have a wide scar and holes in my head. I hope be goes to jail. Posts: 4Joined: Wed Jul 31, 2013 4:10 pm Yasser » Wed Jul 31, 2013 5:49 pm After doing a botch job they left me without communication for a year. Then when I tried to call them they became very rude until Salvar said “we are not going to do anything for you”. I recommend any one who is looking for a decent work to stay away from Vinci hair clinic. Salvar I know you are reading these messages. If you have an ounce of decency you and your nasty staff you need to call me and either refund me or correct the botch job that you did. Salvar (Vinci Hair Clinic) was supposed to fill some of the highlighted part to cover some scars I have. As you can see from the photo below there are about 7 or so number of hairs; they are almost invisible. For that he charged me ?3000 and as I paid the lump sum before the operation, after the appalling result Salvar and the staff became very rude until eventually he said I am not going to help you.
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