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Everything posted by Savemyhair79

  1. That sounds awesome, yeah I expect a lot of scams out there with any kind of elective surgery. Weight loss scams are of the most wide spread, even though that is the cheapest thing you can generally fix yourself unless you're morbidly obese, but then that could probably get covered by insurance. Sales people like to use tactics to get you in. It's very annoying.
  2. Wow sure sounds like it from what I've read. Luckily I'm probably less than a half hour from from Shapiro, even during rush hour. Guess my main concern then would be costs
  3. And the lady seemed very pushy to say the least. An obvious sales person in my opinion. Plus I've read numerous bad reviews with hair club in general. Some of the results I've seen look great, but who knows. They insisted I did non-surgical which would be nice, but I kinda want something permanent so I can be done with it. Fortunately I live in the Twincities and have other options, I heard Shapiro is suppose to be good and the only negative reviews I read turned out to be someone in FL under the same name but no relation(kinda strange, not a common last name). I was also wondering about the sales tactics of hairclub, when I went in and they used a ultra powerful microscope on my scalp and it showed thinner in some areas than others. Is that normal or do they just make it appear you are going to loose my hair? My hair doesn't seemed to have changed in a long time(old pictures from years ago look the same). I want to make the right decision for myself to avoid a huge financial mistake, or a crappy hair job.
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