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Everything posted by happyhair21

  1. Hi guys , Im new to this forum but have been reading a couple threads about female hair transplants. I am 18 years old and i live in nyc. I dont really have any hair loss except a little patch of missing hair on the front of my hairline (im thinking traction alopecia ?) . I was born with a genetically high forehead and male hairline where the hair is very thin and almost non - existent at my temples. It looks like i have a shape up when my hair is pulled back :eek: I did have some recent hairloss due to stress but It just recently stopped after a few weeks of having handfuls of hair fall out every single day. It was traumatizing seeing how much hair fell out , but it probably SEEMED more than it really was because I have very long hair . When I look in the mirror I cant even tell that i lost any hair but its still not a nice thought knowing how much hair was in the shower drain instead of my head. Since you cant see it Im not to worried about it just HOPEFUL it will grow back sooner or later I've been thinking of having a strip FUT done hopefully it will be right for my case.. If anyone can please recommend any doctors in the NYC area it would be great ! I would like to know who is the "cream of the crop" "top of the top" that has experience with female hairlines ! So far I've had my sights set on True&Dorin and Dr. Epsetein . I've been reading some bad reviews on Dr. Epstein though so Im really rethinking even going to his consultation...
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