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Everything posted by Nare5h

  1. of course Dr. Nigam's site :-)
  2. Dr. Nigam, Can you provide with details about your patients who have benefited ( the 50% and the 30% lot) What I can find on the net is only those patients who have paid for your services but had almost zero results (your 20% lot) and then provided medicines worth the amount paid to you or your franchise. In normal circumstances happy patients would promote the doctor but I have not been able to find any. Today I had called your main branch in Andheri and was planning a visit to show myself and decide the course further with an initial pay of Rs.500 as consultancy charges. But after spending time on the net and not finding any good material it would be a real risk and definite waste of my time and hard earned money. A business website is the face of one's business with as much details as possible to help people know, understand and decide. It worries me when the TESTIMONIAL link on your website says "Page not found" ... same with the link on your scrolling celebrities pictures. I hope you understand what this implies. Regards, Naresh
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