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Posts posted by supersunny138

  1. Here are pics of one month post op ( Sorry for being not so good at taking pics ) . Front area where I received all the grafts. Seems like 70-80 percent of grafted hairs have fallen. Some new growth I am not sure. I get some minor itching at this stage, to the stage where it doesn't really bother me. Got some pimples too but I never broke/touched them. Scar seems to be healing nicely as well. Today will be my first Thai boxing workout after my hair transplant. What do you guys think of my progress so far ? Should I be concerned about something ? Thanks in advance !!



  2. Hello guys !! My first post here. Been reading this forum very much last 3/4 months. I got 2120 grafts from Dr. Humayun on 2nd July, because he is recommended here and I have read many posts about him on this forum.I have uploaded pics from the surgery day. I have also uploaded my pre surgery pics under my profile. As you can see I am in week 4 already, I will post pics at the end of every month. I really don't know which type of grower I am, but as I can see and feel I am healing quite nicely.


    Some concerns though, I would like to start taking B vitamin supplements, doest it help grafted hair grow better/faster ? I have read mixed opinions. I am also looking to start taking propecia by next week. Doctor said that I can start strenuous exercise 3 weeks post op. I do thai boxing which involves clinching and burns around 500 - 800 calories per workout. Can I start doing it one month post op ? or you think I should wait a bit more. I am also considering to start running by next week.


    Just want to be a little extra careful. Next three months I want to focus on diet

    ( any tips ? ), sleeping proper, trying not to stress much.


    Thanks in advance you guys are a great community and I promise to keep posting and share my experience both positive and negative in this journey.





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