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Posts posted by harryforreal

  1. "Yes they are very close to me 40 45 min drive konior nadimi is my top choice 


    I wish I lived that close to Konior.  Been wanting to visit him for a couple years, but he lives in the opposite direction of my travels.


    How many grafts did Dr. Konior recommend? 


    I know it's disappointing to have already gone through 1 procedure expecting to be done and sporting your new hair walking down the street only to realize the aesthetic result is nowhere near what you anticipated.  But the good news is that the result isn't a botch job that needs extensive repairing; we've all seen horrible, shocking total botch jobs on this site.  


    It just needs added density - in the hands of a good surgeon.


    Dr. Cooley is in Charlotte, North Carolina.

  2. The primary issue is lack of density.  

    6000 + 6000?  12,000 total in one session?  I don't see it.  I don't even see 12,000 incisions (ok, I didn't count everyone one, but if I did I would be very surprised if it equaled 12,000).


    If I saw you walking down the street I don't think I would think 'hair transplant".  I would just assume you're an aging man with extensive hair loss.


    Of course when you get upclose there are always tells - like the bumpy texture of the scalp from the "12,000" incisions/scaring after the transplant.  


    Konior is a top doc; Dr. Cooley as well.



  3. On 9/5/2023 at 3:39 AM, Bee9 said:

    This is great to hear! thank you.
    How long after your first micro-needling session did you notice improvements? 

    Pretty quickly - within a couple weeks following the first procedure maybe?  I had purchased a series of 3 procedures spaced out every several weeks, so I noticed improvement very quickly after the 1st session and before the 2nd.  I was sold after the 1st session that I had finally found a way forward.

  4. 1) Medical micro-needling is NOT the same thing as a cheap derma-roller purchased from Amazon - just for clarification.  Medical micro-needling should only be performed under the supervision of a medical doctor.  It is relatively cheap and a relatively simple outpatient procedure. See below:



    I2) f you care to step up to the more expensive and more involved Genius Radio Frequency micro-needling, here's information about it (generally recommended only for older individuals with sagging skin and/or turkey neck; it eliminated my turkey neck after the 1st session of 3 sessions):


    3) Both of these medical procedures are intended primarily for the face to improve skin texture.  A BONUS to purchasing these procedures is improved facial skin texture and tightness - just make sure when purchasing that you clarify that you want the hairline included for the purpose of improving the bumpy skin texture as a direct result of a hair transplant.



  5. I did medical micro-needling and Genius Radio Frequency, both under the supervision of a medical doctor.  The results have been transformative.

    A huge bonus is that since the procedure is actually for improving the face, you'll walk out with smoother and more taught facial skin.


    Start with one treatment of micro-needling: it's cheap and a relatively simple outpatient procedure:



    Consider Genius Radio Frequency if your age (turkey neck, sagging face) and finances (it is more expensive) warrant it:



  6. 13 hours ago, Clark said:

    "I still need to see a dermatologist for the skin issues, this will be an out of pocket cost and I have been putting this off."

     V-Beam laser treatment for the redness will get rid of the redness completely after several treatments.  For bumpy skin texture consider micro-needling, possibly Genius Radio Frequency micro-needling, but first give regular micro-needling a try.  Both procedures should only be done under the care of a medical doctor specializing in such procedures.

    In Charleston for V-Beam laser I recommend Dermatologist Dr. Todd Schlesinger:  https://dermandlaser.com/providers/todd-schlesinger/

    In Charleston for micro-needling and Genius RF, I recommend Dr. Christy Cone: https://www.aesthetispa.com

    I realize you don't live in Charleston, but I'm simply providing these doctors as a point of reference where you can learn about the procedures through their websites.


    13 hours ago, Clark said:

    "Just to clarify, I'm happy with the density (I had a lot of hair before) and when my hair is curly in its natural state. However, when its slicked back and my hairline is exposed I'm not happy."

    Yeah, I don't understand how/why so many double grafts are in the hairline.  If intentional, I don't understand the aesthetic approach.  If accidental, I don't understand why or how.

    Dr. Cooley once told me in a repair consultation for doubles and triples in the hair line that 1) he makes slits along the hairline and 2) then afterwards places the grafts into the slit.  I then asked him how could he be sure that a graft wasn't a 2 or 3 hair graft accidentally going into a sing graft slot, and he responded that multi-hair grafts don't normally fit into a single graft slit (that's in addition to using a microscope to separate single, double, and triple hair grafts).

    When I look at all the folliculitis and redness and such of your skin, I have to wonder if in the case of Dr. Vories if the technician put the wrong size graft into the wrong size implanter pen - basically forcing a multi-hair graft into a single-hair graft slot created by the implanter pen - as if the skin were negatively reacting to this inappropriately sized graft forcefully shoved into the skin rather than placed gently in based on the size of the graft.  But I'm no medical expert; I'm just trying to figure out why this seems to be an issue even after years of Dr. Vories being in practice.



    • Thanks 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Logan_P said:

    Thanks!  Yes, Dr. Cooley and I discussed FUT vs FUE.  He said I was an ideal candidate for FUE due to several factors such as my active lifestyle, my short haircut and the fact that by my age the donor area is well established and he felt very little risk of being at risk for future loss.

    Interesting. I had the impression that he favored FUT because he felt FUT offered better opportunity for selecting fine hairs to create a soft hairline.  Did he mention this as an advantage of FUT, or did he feel there was there no advantage in one or the other with regards to this?

  8. On 4/20/2023 at 10:43 AM, Redhead said:

    "I need more single hair grafts thats not so "strong" because now it's a bit obvious that I've had a transplant."


    Yeah, I think this is where hair transplants often fail to deliver.  They look great in the brochures in the doctors' office, and also who can forget the "Hair Club for Men" tv ads with the guy coming out of the pool quickly running his fingers through his hair?  


    The first image below is a TRUE REPRESENTATION:


    1) some lingering redness

    2) the transplant actually looks very good, but when you compare it to your side hairs, yes, then you can see where your natural hairline begins and the transplanted hairs begin.  

    Most people won't notice the difference unless you point it out, so that's the good thing.

    But for accurate representation, the first below high definition image truthfully shows what to expect.


    I'm not sure that it's possible to create a "softer" hairline.  It's why I keep returning to this forum looking for that possibility, so if you find it, let me know, please!  :)






  9. "Hey buddy could you let us know any before after pics of your bumpy texture after micro-needling, also can we do this at home or by professionals only and how many microneedling sessions are required to correct the bumpyness in scalp ?"


    1) WoundedWolf, I know I've posted pics in my profile and/or in posts.  At this point it would take too much work to repost the same pics, because I don't have the same laptop anymore and have no idea where those pics are store.  But look at my profile pics and threads, the pics are there.

    2) I don't know about home micro-needling being very effective.  The medical procedures I had done, both micro-needling and Genius Radio Frequency, are true outpatient medical procedures to be performed only by a medical specialist, not a derma-roller off Amazon.




  10. I think I might have been the first person to post about my success with V-Beam and Micro-needling - and now Genius RF. 


    For redness the V-beam was a life saver after only 2 treatments - note that I shaved my head prior to each treatment per the instructions of the dermatologist.  V-Beam is relatively cheap, quick, and a simple outpatient procedure.  1) Shave your head; 2) the doc/nurse will "Zap" your head for 20 - 30 minutes with V-Beam; 3) Drive yourself home. It's THAT SIMPLE! (ok, you will probably wear a hat for 1 - 2 weeks to hide the "purplish bruising", but it fades relatively quickly).


    After 2 V-Beam procedures my redness was effectively gone.  Made the biggest difference in my life following almost 4 YEARS of MISERY because of Hair Transplant Redness.


    HONEST TO GOD I can't believe 5 years after I posted my original pics showing the success of the V-Beam laser that it isn't more widely known or acknowledged by the "Hair Transplant Medical Professionals" - and I put that last part in quotes to emphasize sarcasm.   UnbaldEagle did a nice job summarizing above how the V-Beam works, so I'll not spend time writing more about it. But do yourself a favor and JUST DO THE V-BEAM for redness.  Check out my posts also to see my before and after V-Beam pics.


    As for the micro needling I saw immediate improvement of the bumpy texture after the very first micro-needling procedure.  DO THE MICRO NEEDLING IF YOU HAVE A BUMPY TEXTURE - also relatively cheap.  Micro needling is really for the face; however, I purchased it with the understanding that the hairline would be included with the face treatment.  I did a couple micro-needling treatments and each time I saw continued improvement in skin texture.


    As I approached 51, I started to develop a slight "turkey neck" (loose hanging skin under my neck), and the same nurse who did my micro needling advised stepping up to the stronger Genius Radio Frequency (3 sessions spread over 2 months), which I agreed to again with the understanding that we would continue to include the hairline.  After the first GENIUS RF treatment the turkey neck was completely gone, and the bumpy texture from the Hair Transplant was significantly reduced to almost not being noticeable.  

    I am now approaching 53 and just completed another 3 sessions of Genius RF.  I cannot really see any bumpy texture any more.  AND my skin and face look like I'm in my 30's (at least in my opinion).  


    Genius RF is not pleasant - it's a bit painful, but recovery time is relatively quick (back at work the next day with what looks like a bit of a temporary sunburn).  But the results are so good I definitely see myself continuing to do 3 sessions of Genius RF ever year or ever other year to help keep my face taught.  


    As for the hair transplant itself?  Ehhh.....I manage to make it look "natural" for a 53 year old man with some "thinning" hair with coarse, wiry gray hairs (the transplanted hairs).  But at least there isn't the redness or bumpy texture to draw attention to the fact that I had a hair transplant.   


    Seriously, medical hair transplant professionals, do yourself a favor - investigate how these treatment options (V-Beam, Micro needling, Genius RF) could TRANSFORM your hair transplant practice.  I swear if I were to walk into your practice today you would be SHOCKED at how smooth and natural my skin looks for someone who has had 2 hair transplant surgeries.  You're totally missing out on an opportunity to offer the most refined after hair transplant result possible.  




    • Like 2
  11. On 8/19/2022 at 1:21 PM, Dillpickle123 said:

    I’ve seen dr bisanga have a lot of cases like yours where they just need the hairline done and it’s almost always a home run there’s a lot of good doctors in Belgium and Spain cuoto, ferriera, pinto, de frietas, mwamba, feriduini, bisanga etc 

    I would venture to say that when people look at hairlines of HT, the majority are from pics online. There are many details that cannot be captured in a photo, especially when placed on a site which limits/reduces the size of the photo file (which I believe this site does, as photos I've uploaded in the past do not have the same high quality as the originals).  


    To truly gage results, you should try to see the results in person. Especially if you have never had a HT and don't know what to look for. 

  12. On 8/13/2022 at 8:27 AM, RTC said:

    Did it work?

    This whole theory that plucked hairs come back thinner seems to be false completely

    The transplanted coarse hairs do not look like the soft hair of a beautiful maiden (which is what I thought I was getting as part of the HT, being quite naive), so probably fair to say no.  On the other hand some hairs seem a bit softer - but that could just be testosterone whittling away the hairs over more than a decade now. Or it could be that plucking some did affect the coarseness a bit.  But the worst hairs just seem bizarre still, even if they MIGHT have softened a little....

  13. I have plucked MANY hairs in an attempt to remove weird, unnatural hairs at the front of the hair line or conversely to get the hairs to grow back less thick and more soft and natural.


    I literally have BAGS of plucked hairs labelled by month over multiple years so I could monitor changes to these hairs over time.


    To be clear, I never plucked hairs before my HT.  Just was not happy with the "aesthetic" result and literally decided to take matters into my own hands.



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