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Everything posted by Jim

  1. I think your results to date are very very good. I see a big improvement just in the last 2 weeks. I was in Umar's chair the day after you and I am definitely not as far advanced as you. The prolonged redness seems close to being a non-issue, esp as the hair continues to cover the area. I'd say the worst is clearly behind you. Congratulations!
  2. Mr. GQ, I'd be glad to talk to you and answer any questions. Basically, it was a one-day procedure for about 1200 grafts, all hairline. Umar thought 1800 was probably closer to what I needed but financially I was pressing my limit at 1200. Plus I was a little concerned about the potential for a moth eaten donor if too much was taken. I have had 3 prior strips, this was my first FUE, and my hair is naturally thin, both in texture and grafts per sq cm. Total graftage for the four procedures is about 4200 (I have tried to keep pace as I gradually lost frontal hair, thus the relatively small procedures every few years). PM me and I will give you more details. I am not documenting my progress, so no pics except the ones I guess I could get from Umar pre and post op. Abedogg and I have also compared notes.
  3. Abedogg, Sorry for not responding sooner. I definitely did hear the sound of an electric device, but not sure what it was. Not knowing any different, I assumed prior to the procedure that the follicles were going to be extracted manually; that apparently was not the case and I sort of feel deceived. But if I get the results I was looking for, it won't matter. It's a waiting game now.
  4. Umar has shown some unbelievable results on patients that are badly scarred and have to resort to body hair. Unfortunately he does not get enough attention for the traditional hair head transplant procedures like you are requesting. I think that for the few examples that are posted he has demonstrated capabilities that are equal or superior to the best surgeons available. My only concern is that he appears to have changed his method of extracting follicles, apparently now using a drill. In my mind there is some controversy over possible damage to the follicle with the drill (part of the basis of the Armani criticism). Plus I don't know how long Umar has been employing this method and how comfortable he has gotten with its use. I'd be curious to hear his response to a question about his method of extraction if you pose the question. BTW, I had a procedure with him recently, not too much different from your planned session and am in the waiting stage.
  5. Your pics show an awesome result is on the way. Do you think the minoxidil will help keep a larger percent of the hairs from jumping ship?
  6. First time post, but have been using this extremely valuable resource for more years than I'd like to admit. Briefly, I have had about 3000 (strip) grafts placed in the hairline at various times over the last 15 years, the most recent being the best (from Ron Shapiro a few years ago). I guess I have become a hair junky of sorts and want to refine the hairline a little by adding some density and reducing somewhat the extent of temple recession. I have been told 1,200-2,000 grafts will be required, depending on how aggressive I want to get. Unfortunately no good pics to offer. I have decided to use FUE this time around and have shortlisted Umar and Cole as the likely docs. Umar has really impressed me just lately. Here are my questions: (1) Why are his post op pics of the recipient areas so bloody and scabby compared to many other docs procedures? The finished product usually seems fine, but the interim pics are of concern to me. (2) Does he have assistants to help him during the procedure? I get the distinct impression that he has only one or two assistants helping him, that he personally does the bulk of all the tasks involved. While some of you may think that is a positive feature, I am a little concerned about the possibility of physical fatigue and the length of time between graft removal and implantation, which in turn affects graft survivability. I admit to being a bit of a worry wart and just want to make sure I make an informed decision. Thanks for any observations you guys can offer.
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