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Everything posted by Rocky9090

  1. Hi All I have had my hair transplant about 4 months back in India. Dr.Madhu was my surgeon transplanted about 2800 grafts. So far I think it's coming along well. I could see thin baby like hair in the corrected hairline region by Dr.Madhu. I wanted to try a thickening shampoo and found out loreal vive pro for men daily thickening shampoo which has got very good reviews. It is made with regenium xy formula which adds fullness to the thin hair. It kind of does that with some polymers ( Iam not sure how exactly ). My question is it safe to use this shampoo at this stage ( after 4 months of HT)? Does the polymer stuff ( regenium xy ) cause any damage to the newly rising fine hair or to the ones which are in dormant state ? Can anyone please answer these questions for me. Thanks in advance rocky9090
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