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Everything posted by aman123

  1. Here is what it looks like, and I've been losing it since I was 16 really. It started out slow, and its been steady like this for a few years now. For what its worth, mothers side has very little/no balding, and fathers side has a lot of it. My older brother, who is 33, has most of his hair but its somewhat patchy (less so than mine), and its been like that since he was 25/ish.
  2. I'm 22, and I've been steadily losing a lot of hair on my entire scalp. It's pretty much everywhere, and it looks awful/is ruining my self-esteem. Its very patchy on the top. Some areas have very little hair where you can see the scalp very clearly (in fact, most of the scalp is like this) but other areas have somewhat thicker hair where you can still make out the scalp, but not entirely. I went to see a doctor for a consult, and he said that, basically, since I'm young, I might need two. One now, one in the future. I was wondering though (and I forgot to ask him this): can't the doctor just transplant a whole bunch of grafts/hair to the scalp, even in areas where there still is enough hair left, in order to knock two birds with one stone? Basically, transplanting it EVERYWHERE on the scalp so that I won't have to come back again for a second? My parents are from India, and the doctor said that its typical for people from India to have very thick, full hair on the sides and back of the head, which is great for transplants. In other words, I'm a real good candidate due to how thick my hair is everywhere BUT the stupid scalp Anyone know how to answer this? Thanks
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