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Everything posted by Fullness

  1. Month 2:- Nothing much to report. I am now more or less pre-transplant state, except for the shock loss from the side. I would say 80% of grafts have shedded and no more are falling out. Parts of the recipient area still fells numbs. Got pimples popping out in crown so hopefully positive signs of growth. Scalp also feels itchy and dry, any advise how to overcome this is welcomed. Pics below
  2. Thank you, you are right some do look dense so possibly some natural hair. But they look promising and reassuring . They feel stubbily as well so hopefully signs of good things to come. My before pics are in the beginning pages. I have another pic where I used an SLR and zoomed right in. This is invisible to the naked eye, but from the pics you can see small fine hair, could this be what you are describing signs of new growth (transplanted hair)?
  3. Thanks Biz, only a few new growth but hoping to see a lot more break to surface in coming weeks and months.
  4. I know it's very very early days. I am currently 1 month and approaching 3 weeks and have noticed some new growth in my hair line! I have attached a pic, please let me know what you guys think....
  5. Congrats on your procedure, he is the best! Due to course thick hair Dr Hasson believed that full coverage would give an excellent final results. Yours looks awesome as well....final result will be amazing. My pre-surgery pics are on page 2.
  6. Sorry for 1 pic per post, can't seem to attach more than 1 pic for some reason
  7. Slowest month of my life. Right, the staples are out...leaving an amazing scar line, though have had shock loss on both side of the donor area. At the back the scar is more or less covered up just exposing a bit of the remaining old scar. In the recipient area, I thought I was one of the lucky ones to keep my transplanted hair, but it turn out I was a late shedder. Recipient hairs are shedding every shower about 50+ or so. They have the typical L J shape at the ends.....(goodbye my friends see you in couple of months ?). Good thing they are shedding in waves rather than all at once, give time for some of my native hair to grow back. The recipient scalp is healing well, but have had a breakout of pimples (hopefully a good sign?). Otherwise happy so far as I walk deeper into to ugly duckling stage. Meds that I am taking daily are:- finistride, multi-vitamins, MSM & Biotin. Pics below....
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