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Everything posted by aceman

  1. How long? Been taking it for about a three weeks.
  2. So I have been taking about .625 milligrams per day (cut a 5 mg tablet in 8 pieces with razor blade) and the only side effect I have is loss of sexual desire, which is a pretty bad side effect (would rather not have this and have all the others). Will this eventually go away? Would taking it every other day make a difference? I know its "Finasteride" but can't change the spelling error in the title.
  3. I am curious more than anything. I have had two FUT procedures getting almost 4000 grafts TOTAL because my scalp is pretty tight (even with doing laxity exercises). So I am not even sure at this point whether I will want more (its only been about 10 days since second procedure). However, assuming I'd want more done in the future (I will wait at least a year for sure), I'm thinking that a FUE may be a better option next time simply because of the scalp laxity issue. Or--has anyone gone to a good doctor that does both procedures (say like Shapiro in Minnesota) ready for EITHER procedure based on the doctor's recommendation. Can you plan for EITHER procedure depending on the doctor's recommendation when he sees you? Because obviously I am thinking the doctor won't know until after you do scalp laxity exercises and show up so he can determine what will work best. Opinions?
  4. Thanks for the responses--the area looks really good --at least as far as my wife can tell and she removed the staples last time. I'll remove them at 12 days (but on the night of the 12th day) which means 12.5 days basically, or perhaps even go 14 days--they are not bothering me at all (much! ). Any disadvantage to waiting 14 days as opposed to 12?
  5. So after second procedure at H&W the instructions say remove the staples 12 to 14 days. Well I am at day 9 and obviously want these staples out (what a shock, heh! ). How do you know if 12 days is enough? Is there some way to tell? I will have my wife removing them (she did it the first time with no issues). But I was reading recommendations of leaving them in up to 20 days and removing half at 10 days.
  6. I think most people that lose hair do shave their heads at some point. But you point is well taken. A shaved head for some people with the right features actually makes them look better.
  7. I was told that you should wait 8 months minimu--mine was actually 8 months two weeks. I supposed I could have waited longer and probably would have gotten more laxity--although I got 2300 first time and 1700 second time so not sure how much more I could have gotten. And honestly, I would have waited longer if I had known that they could do the second transplant without shaving my head (although you don't know that until you start usually). I didn't want to go to a year's growth and have it shaved again. But yes--if you have no burning desire to get it over with and you don't care of they shave off a year or longer's growth (if they have to do that) then obviously you can never wait too long--you can certainly go in too quickly.
  8. Anyone? Joetronic--we share a common root to our hair?
  9. Hello, I am in my mid fifties and had had a bad transplant in the 1980s (fortunately only one) which consisted of plug removal (FUE) of very large plugs and then inserting same in the frontal region. I had most of my hair then so it wasn't too bad--however, once I lost the hair in the front became very noticeable. I was lucky because I had a pretty good hair on the side pretty far up (my pattern in loss in the middle to the crown as well, but very good hair still pretty far up the sides. Because of that, I was able to have some hairs removed from the plugs and using the hair on the side, combing it over was a fairly reasonable solution for many years although became less and less so as I lost more hair. In any event, being happily married all those years, it wasn't as big a deal for me as it would have been for some men who were single. But I got tired of the comb over (which was a necessity) and decided to either remove the plugs or get a transplant--I chose the latter and so far pretty happy with the choice. I had a procedure with Dr. Wong on in August, 2012 (FUT--that's all they do) where by he removed the lines of plugs in the front and set my hair line back some--originally he suggested leaving it, but we mutually agreed it would be better to remove some grafts and move it back. Unfortunately, I do not have great laxity and we could only get 2,228 grafts on the first procedure (although I didn't do the exercises as I should have). The second procedure was April 25, 2013--again I tried to do the scalp exercises but just can't seem to do it religiously--got 1,704 grafts--total with two procedures of 3932 (4000 or more was my goal) grafts and at least 7,269 hairs total (counting the 3/4s as 3s). I was very surprised that he did not have to shave my already existing hair which will make this second procedure undetectable in about two weeks post op. Any way, I was VERY PLEASED with the doctor and the results. Its not thick of course, but it looks so much better than it did and I finally--about a week before the 2nd procedure, cut off the last of the comb-over. Several questions: 1. I will definitely wait at least a year but if I were to have another procedure, is there any way to get a good hair count--like at least 2500 the next time? Will diligent laxity exercises work if done for many months prior? 2. He wants me to use proscar (finisteride) but am concerned about the potential side effects--especially sexual--get into your 50s and it becomes hard enough with libido without adding problems! LOL!!!
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