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Everything posted by Tommyh81

  1. Thanks for your replies, my doc told me not to worry since it has been 6 weeks and they should be set by then. Anyways thank. Tommy
  2. How can you differenciate between scabs and craft. I am 6 weeks from HT and sometimes I find fallen hairs with bulbs. Is that normal, I mean are those my grafts. Am I loosing my grafts?
  3. How can you differenciate between scabs and craft. I am 6 weeks from HT and sometimes I find fallen hairs with bulbs. Is that normal, I mean are those my grafts. Am I loosing my grafts?
  4. Hello everybody I am a bit concerned about my hair. I just had my HT 5 weeks ago and I started using Rogaine after a week ago. I shaved my hair a week so I can start using Rogaine again. The problem is, I dont know if that is the problem. Well I use Rogaine once a day. The next day when I washed my hair, I feel like a bump on my scalp, it doesnt hurt and when I scratch it, it's like dandruff but sort wet and oily and some hairs come off with that thing. The thing is not near my recipient area. I think it's Rogaine but dried on my scalp. So I am just wondering if this is normal, I mean I dont want to loose more because of that or is it because I just started using Rogaine after stopping for 3 weeks. Or should apply less on my scalp. Please help me out. It's annoying not to know what is going on. I appreciate it.
  5. Hello everybody I am a bit concerned about my hair. I just had my HT 5 weeks ago and I started using Rogaine after a week ago. I shaved my hair a week so I can start using Rogaine again. The problem is, I dont know if that is the problem. Well I use Rogaine once a day. The next day when I washed my hair, I feel like a bump on my scalp, it doesnt hurt and when I scratch it, it's like dandruff but sort wet and oily and some hairs come off with that thing. The thing is not near my recipient area. I think it's Rogaine but dried on my scalp. So I am just wondering if this is normal, I mean I dont want to loose more because of that or is it because I just started using Rogaine after stopping for 3 weeks. Or should apply less on my scalp. Please help me out. It's annoying not to know what is going on. I appreciate it.
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