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Everything posted by lafouine83

  1. Here is my story, I started balding when i was 19. Haven't noticed a very huge loss but a slow and steady one since then, I havent lost any hair in last 2 years, maybe it was due to minoxidil... I've been on Minnoxidil for 2-3 years now (sometimes twice sometimes once a day) and believe it has stopped further recession, i've even been noticing some small blonde hair's turning dark again on my hairline - but very few and they don't seem to grow more. I've included some pictures of my hair showing receding parts and with the buzz cut. I think i'm good to go for 1500-2000 ??? FUE procedure now and maybe start taking propecia or continue with Minoxidil.. Father was bald by 30-35 and one of my sister has a hair loss problem as well. I think i have highly densed hair on the temple and my back. I started considering FUE because it really eats my confidence up even though I try to not let it get to me. I was a very attractive ladies man in high school and getting attention all the time from girls but I noticed a lot of changes during last years, people started to comment on my receding hairline and I guess having a NW3 (?) like mine is the worst. I mostly prefer a buzz cut and been trying to get away with it but short hair dont suit me well. I guess it is a tough thing to accept for all of us and I dont want to rush into anything that i will regret. What do you suggest ? I am almost 30 by the way Thanks in advance,
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