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Posts posted by minizippy

  1. Thanks for your reply othersyde. That transplant is a fantastic job. You must be well pleased. I was all for having a word with your surgeon but then noticed you live the other side of the planet. what a shame. This is the kind of people i need to chat with on here, someone who has had a transplant locally so i can see their result and work out how much this would cost me too. Thanks for being understanding my friend. with my hair falling out, i just can't be happy. I hope i can get this sorted. Upwards and onwards for you though. Best of luck.

  2. thanks for your advice guys.

    You are right Davies 91 and takingtheplunge. It's not the hair loss killing me. it is my reaction, that is true. the story is. i was mentally abused at school, then at work about my appearance. There is things not right about how i look. I've battled for years to accept how I look, but have failed. Even spent 3 months in a hospital which specialized in my condition. My hair is very important to me, it covers what i see as defects in my appearance. Without my hair I will be nothing, i feel so ugly with it, without it I will be worse than i am now, i won't cope, it's bad enough now. I won't be able to hide these defects anymore. A few years ago i tried to eliminate the issue by shaving my hair to a number 3. it made me so ill. I couldn't leave the house for months. Yes i do suffer terribly with my mental illness. This is just getting too much now. I've tried the anti-depressants, I've done the cognitive behavioral therapy, I've done the hospital. All this has failed. Where do I go from here? I see the only answer being "getting all my hair back" I'm stuck guys. I appreciate all your advice so far, I wish i could accept your answers, but I can't. I've been mentally abused about my appearance all my life. If I lose my hair, more abuse will follow. I go to the gym, I can see the guys laughing at me trying to cover up my shame, the mirrors torture me, i nearly started crying in teh gym the other day. Has anyone had a fargo transplant here? If i was to have a 1000 hairs put in? What would the cost be? and would it cover much? I'm sorry to go on here, I wish your replies were the answer i wanted. Sorry.

  3. Thanks Spanker. I've already done that. I've been seeing a psychologist for years. The hairloss has become my major cause of depression, they know that. I need something done if I'm a good candidate or not. The hairloss will kill me if I don't get it sorted. The doctors don't understand. I've tried to explain. It's become such an obsession now. I already take Propecia and Minoxidil which worked for a while. This is stopping me doing anything. This hairloss is killing me. I need to sort this. Quickly.

  4. please help. I've been struggling with my hairloss for years. it has been quite slow. I suffer with terrible depression. I have Body dysmorphic disorder. I hate myself as it is. This is making me suicidal. If I don't get something done soon, then i'm pretty sure i will end doing something about it. I can barely leave the house, i'm so unhappy, i cry nearly every time I see my reflection. I do have a small amount of money put aside for a transplant but am worried about going to the wrong place and end up in a worse condition than I already am. I am feeling pretty desperate. Anybody willing to at least help me out a little? Please!

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