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Everything posted by bazingga15

  1. I am not yet on finasteride. I was actually thinking of taking it AFTER HT to keep the native hair. From what I understand that hair preserved by finasteride will fall off anytime I stop taking it, if I start taking it now, and have HT a year after, would't the results of the fin cover the extend of my hair loss? My crown is still intact. I haven't noticed any thinning, its just the hairline that has been receeding for more than 10 years now.
  2. Hi guys, Just a followup question, isnt there any good chance that my hair won't progress to a NW4 or 5? My dad is in his mid-60's and his only hairloss is overall thinning which is not even noticeable when his hair is dry. I also have an uncle (51 yrs old) who has hair quite similar to mine only better. I am not in a hurry to get a HT although I'll be 30 next year. If ever, if my situation would demand an additional HT down the road after getting one next yr, that would still be ok with me. What do you guys think?
  3. Thanks for the quick responses. At the beginning of my research I have considered these medications but decided to take a year to observe my hair loss progression. So far, I dont think there would be a significant difference if I had a ht 3 years ago. I have been hiding my temples with a sort of buzz-cut hair style since I was a teenager. I also have consulted 2 surgeons and both said im a good candidate and recommended 1200-1500 grafts. I realize the further risk of further loss. Also, my friends and family are accustomed to my very high hairline since I was in high school. Its just that I have been able to hide the thinning and recession. over the years. I consider myself one of the unlucky ones if ever I progress to a NW 5 since my sides and corners are not all good to frame my face. So i guess this is what im going for, a forelock design to strengthen my hairline with minor touch up on the corners.
  4. Hi Guys, Newbie here in this forum but I have been reading posts here for over a year now. To give a little background, I'm 29 years old, been slowly receding since age 20. My hairline has always been high and as you can see in the pictures, even my corners and temple points are high. My hair has always been naturally thin. So far, the hair loss noticeable to me is the hairline and temples. I am considering a 2-3 year plan for a possible ht. I would appreciate if you guys could share your thoughts. If ever I choose to go through it, I just want a very conservative approach. Perhaps a hairline that is patterned to a mature forelock design? Anyone else had this NW scale at age 29-30 that started very slow at age 20? How did your hair loss progress? Some facts that also support this plan are: 1.) My dad who is 64 years old today has a full head of hair with a strong hairline. He has lost some, but in a manner of just thinning a little bit. When dry, his hair still looks a lot better than mine. 2.) No other family member including uncles have MPB 3.) For the past 3 years, no significant difference that is easily visible on my hair loss. Would appreciate to hear from you. Thanks guys.
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