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Everything posted by redwood

  1. Thank you for the reply, i,ll get my missus to take pics very soon so i can show the level im at. The guy in the pics shown has much more hair than me. I usually clip it every few days and every now and then go totally smooth. Is it wrong to be pissed off when i see guys in work with full head of hair and they,ve had same haircut for years or do bugger all with it haha. Im always saying to my mate "if i had his hair, i'd do this or that to it". So many styles i,d like to try now. Great idea for price too.
  2. Hi everybody, Just joined the forum and want to say a big HELLO to you all. I,d like to have a full (well im a number 7 on the bald photo chart) transplant if possible and want to know if anybody has had that done, so far i,ve only seen pics of people having stuff done around the front hairline area not almost the full head like myself. Im aged 38 and been bald since the mid 90s. Im based in south wales, uk. Also, anybody got an idea of price for that kind of hair transplant. Thank you in advance - help me on my quest to get my robbie savage hair haha. Fed up of having hair like mr burns off the simpsons. Also not a footballer or lottery winner so money a big factor too.
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