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Posts posted by Throwaway28925

  1. Hello, patient of Hakan's here!


    1) Is this normal, for the nurses to do the extraction? Was this the same for any of you who had your ht’s with him?


    It is normal that do this here, yes. The nurses did mine and there were no problems at all. Hakan's partner Dr. Ayhan oversees it all too.


    2) It was estimated that I need around 3500 grafts… but the final amount can only be confirmed when I get there…

    Was your estimates and final graft count pretty close or were they day and night apart? I'm trying to calculate the total cost.


    I was quoted 2,000 grafts and received 2,000 grafts. They are all really nice and go out of their way to make you feel like you matter, so don't feel like they are going to rip you off or anything. I ended up being short by about 100GBP due to a charge on my card from currency transfers and they said it wasn't a problem and let me off no questions asked.


    3) I'm currently taking propecia, was told that I should stop a day before the surgery and then start again 3 days later for four months…Does that sound normal? Should I keep using it beyond the 4 month period? I have been using it for a year and 3 months and was told that anything gained from it would be lost if treatment was stopped… I'm therefore concerned that I may end up losing some hair after the ht if I stopped… anyone have any thoughts on this?


    I'm not on on meds, nor did I take any so I can't help you here, sorry!

  2. Looking good. I take it it was your personal choice not to shave your head for the procedure? I feel like this is the first result by this doc with no shaved head...

    Yea, I am not telling anyone, so I kept it long so that I could hide it. 4 months later and not one single person has said anything. Completely got away with it :D.


    Looking really good, got me excited hope I get early growth as well!

    Cheers matee :)

  3. good early growth for sure. can't wait to see the 1 year mark.

    did you travel to turkey for the surgery, or are you a local? How long was the procedure? How was pain during and after surgery?

    did he use choi implanter? manual or auto punch?



    Thank you :). I traveled from the UK, the procedure was about 6-7 hours long in total and the pain was extremely minimal. The only bad thing about it was the injections. Yea choi implanter and manual :).

  4. Throwaway,


    Yes from my observation, it appears to be shock loss. And being five weeks post-op also is an indication that it is shock loss.


    My premonition is that most of it will grow back however it is going to take another 4-6 weeks from this point to see things begin to fill in. And I am referring to both your donor and recipient areas.


    I would not recommend you applying anything to the area such as minoxidil because IMHO it could potentially make the area even thinner than it is right now.


    Time should take care of this but it will take some patience on your part.


    I truly hope everything fills in nicely for you and happy regrowth! ;)


    Reassuring coming from you, Gillenator. Hopefully it all grows back soon.

  5. Are you the only actual patient of Doganay on these forums?


    No Hariri also just had a procedure done and is going back this month for another. A few others are currently booked in for later this year though.


    What made you decide to go with him?


    I liked his work and how he was responding to questions on the forum. The price was very attractive too. Plus my girlfriend came with me so she got a holiday out of it as we stayed in Antalya for a week and a half after my procedure.


    What was his facility like? Clean, professional?


    I can't really comment on this as such as they are in the process of moving. I had my procedure done in a room they were renting out at the hospital which they weren't too happy with. Everything was clean and professional though.


    My only problem with Turkey was the way they drive. Nothing like having no seat belts, driving in the middle of lanes and general lack of consideration for other drivers to put you at ease before an operation...

  6. come on, there must some? How do turkish doctors get on the recommended list if there aren't any real life forum users with testimonials?


    oh, and I was wondering. do these doctors speak fluent english? is communicating with them going to a problem for prospective english speaking patients? this is something i just thought of...communication is very important.


    How many times must I say that I am a patient of Dr. Doganay IN TURKEY lol.

    Dr Ayhan who works with Dr Doganay speaks English and translates for him. It was fairly easy to communicate with everyone through Dr Ayhan. It also helped that I had done a tonne of research so I didn't have as many questions as some others would have.

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