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Posts posted by Winwin88

  1. Jayukdht: I think it has something to do with the tools.. In case of a lateral slit technique(blades for incision) the temple points(triangular shape in front of my ears) can be restored.. Dr Bhatti should've addressed this.. Blades are his tool. I sent him a mail to clarify..

  2. @Hariri:Thanks soo much for your research work. Now, I'm actually more inclined towards Dr. Bhatti.


    @Jayukdht: Thank you :)


    @Future_HT_Doc- Thanks for ur opinion.. I hope by the time I need a follow up surgery u would be the doctor :)



    I spoke to Dr. Bhatti and got recommended '1500grafts(max)'. Though he didn't answer my temple point requirment.

    Alongside, I met Dr A in person, at his new clinic in the neighbourhood(Mumbai) for consultation he didn't seem keen to place grafts in the temple point. Later, he agreed but warned that, there might be an angular difference with the transplanted graft from the natural grafts(acute) on the temple point. I would have to apply a grooming product to keep it flat upon the temple area. Why are doctors so skeptical about temple point transplant?

    Also please throw some light on the safe scribe 0.75 mm-0.85mm punch used by Dr Bhatti(FUE) vs micro needle used by Dr.A(FUSE) for harvesting? Which in your opinion is a safer, less harmful tool? Ur inputs shall be very helpful.

  3. Hello All,

    I'm 25 years old.

    I have been following this forum for years now and finally decided to go for a hair transplant in India. With the limited choice available in the market it would be great to get ur opinions. I would ideally prefer a FUE for lowering my hairline(1500-1800 grafts recomended). I had consultation with Dr A (FUE)and the results seem good on his website. Alongside my other considerations are Dr. Radha Palakurthi (FUT) and Dr. Madhu (FUT), both of whom are highly recommended on this forum. The criteria I'm seeking is to achieve a dense hairline using lateral slit technique, irrespective of whether its FUT or FUE since all the doctors mentioned above are very careful with extraction to preserve donor area. Please give your valuable advice


  4. Hey Tihom, i had enquired about Anagrow. It's a new treatment hence the clinic didn't have any proven results showing benefits yet. Aboveall they are offering an introductory offer at INR 35,000 bucks for 15 sittings throughout the year. It works by pressing/penetrating their propriety plant stem cell extracts into the scalp with a machine exclusively designed for richfeel. My concern being could this treatment work along with a hair transplant to enhance results? The consultant recommended 45 days gap post HT for the follicles to settle. I would rather wait and watch out for results.,

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