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Everything posted by dj87

  1. My hair loss has slowed down a bit may be because of the minoxidil which I am using quite for a long time , may be more than 6 years but now it is losing its effectivenes I am receding a lot for past 2 years and thinning in the front. I am shedding a lot after the surgery may be shock loss has started so early even though I was on minoxidil for many years. I got some of the hairs transplanted into existing hair that might be the reason for shock loss and another reason might be my age only 26. I started taking finasteride once a week for six months prior to my ht but after ht I am taking mon wed fri day basis. I am experiencing mild sides from finasteride so not taking daily.I hope I get back all the hair that is shedding. I will post after I cross the 1 week mark.
  2. Hi guys, I have attached my 3rd day post op pics along with 4 days pre op pics.I have received 2080 grafts to the hair line and just above the hair line where my hair density is less. 1's- 460 2's- 1300 3's-320 Total 4200 hairs I will be updating soon once I hit the 1 week mark.Please comment on the procedure.
  3. These are 4 days pre op pics. I will post after surgery pics after hair wash because its with the doctor. I will post immediately after surgery and after hair wash pics together on 5th which is scheduled for me. I have attached my pre op pics you can have a look at it.
  4. Hi guys, Finally had my hair transplant today. I experienced little pain during the procedure but now feeling better. Surgery was held in the morning which lasted for 4 hours. I received 2080 grafts 1's- 460 2's - 1300 3's - 230 I am attaching post op pic which was taken after surgery.I would be happy if you guys give feed back
  5. Hi guys, Finally going ahead with transplant with dr madhu on june 3rd. I am 26 yeras old suffering from hair loss for about 7 years. I have been using minoxidil for about 6 years. I am also taking propecia weekly once as I am not able to tolerate it due to side effects from the past six months.My hair has receded a lot in the front and I dont have a proper hair line.Dr madhu has suggested I would need around 2000-2300 grafts for the harline and frontal region.This site has really helped me a lot.Hope this surgery goes well. I will update soon... Dj
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