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Posts posted by RyanVodka

  1. Hello everyone, I would just like your opinion on the design of my FUE procedure I had done 12 days ago. I am 28 years old and had 1250 fue grafts in the frontal 1/3. In the pictures ive included you will notice my right temple is lower than the left and noticeably more dense. My question is do you think this was a deliberate choice to make the results appear more natural or did I just need more grafts than what I was booked for?



  2. Hello Everyone I'm a new member to the website but I have been reading posts off and on for about a year or 2 now. I have been so back and forth the last year over being completely set on doing FUE work to telling myself I'm crazy for even considering it.


    Currently I am a 27 years old and I am a norwood 2. I started shedding hair like crazy in my early and mid 20's and my scalp was constantly itching. I started going to a local hair loss clinic about 2 years ago where I recieved llt therapy as well as custom minox, revita shampoo and herbal blends. It could be a result of a placebo effect by my scalp seems much less itchy ( i still get the mpb tingle however) and as far as I can tell I havent lost much hair recently.


    My family history worrys me somewhat as I have 3 uncles, one has a decent amount of hair, one is probably a norwood 3 or 4 (cancer patient as well, dont smoke kids!) and one is around a norwood 5 im guessing. My father has what Im almost positive is a norwood 3 vertex (60 years old).


    I'm hoping that my hairloss turns out to be like my fathers in that at the moment I have slight frontal recession and some minor miniturization in the crown that is currently undetectable without a special camera. If I really wanted to address my frontal thinning I would probably need no more than 1500 FU depending on how conservative I go. My questions are the following...


    Should I start a propecia subscription? I am so tempted to try to hang on the the hair I have now but I am absolutely terrified of the side effects. Is it nuts to want to mess with my bodys bio chemisty just because I am so vain about my hair??


    Would it be crazy for me to have a small fue procedure done at 27 years old? or should I hold out hope like everyone else that histogen or something like it is released in the next few years?? Part of me feels like having FUE done would be huge for my confidence and reducing stress but at the same time I'm worried that my hairloss might accelerate and take me past a norwood 3. I also wanted to get your opinion on what my future loss could be? Is it even possible to be a norwood 2 already by 27 and in the next 30 years manage to only become a 3 vertex without using propecia?

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