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Everything posted by time2shine

  1. Hey TakingThePlunge, Thanks alot for your answer. Actually my main goal is to not lose more hairs instead of growing new one. If it stays like this that would be okay for me, so products that prevent further hairloss are what im looking for(except finasteride). If i know that i can stop further hairloss that would already make me feel way better, the transplantation is just an idea to make it "perfect" for now, but yea im definatly gonna contact dr. Path and ask him for his opinion
  2. Hey, First off i want to say im super happy that i found that forum. After reading abit through i realized with joy in my heart that there seem be alot of very experienced ppl that got the same problem im getting now since a long time. So thx for reading this and maybe helping a young german padawan on his way... This is the first time im asking for help because of my hairs somewhere, i tried to tell myself its just imagination that my temples are thinning up, but i went to see a dermatologist today and he also said that it looks like my hairs on the temples are thinning. I had a receding hairline all my life already, but im pretty sure it got worse within the last year, since it just doesnt look normal anymore to me. Unfortunatly im one of those ppl that care alot about how they look and the fact that my hair is thinning with 20 years already totally crushes me, because i always loved my hairs. Im thinking about it at least 20 times a day and it makes me feel super bad everytime. At the moment im just sitting here and not sure what the best line for me, feeling kinda desperate I was thinking about starting with finasterid already 2-3 months ago, but what i read about the sideeffects sounded so bad that i was too scared starting with it. Especially the part where it said not outgrown man should never take it makes me really wanna stay away from it. Im also going to the gym, so i kinda need the testosterone to build muscles and i guess finasterid is bad for that matter right? (not sure about that, just sounds logical to me) So heres the plan that i have in mind and i would like to hear your opinions about it and what you(after prob years of experience) would do in my position. First step of my plan was living healthier, i started that already 2 months ago, i am eating alot of vegetables/fruits, less meat and stopped eating (bad) sugar. Im also taking quite alot of supplements like zinc, fish oil, vitamine complex, wheatgrass etc. Also doing things like drinking alot of water daily etc. Second step, im using a anti hairloss shampoo since 1 month, some thai brand that i dont really know, trying to figure out which one is the best on the market, which one would u suggest? Third step that i started recently is applying 5% minoxidil on my temples twice a day. For the third step im thinking about a hairtransplantation with dr path, since i moved to thailand 2 years ago anyway, i wouldnt even have to travel or sth. I want to fill out the 2 temples abit more, not much tho, after seeing all the pics id guess i only might need like 500 grafts or sth, i know thats not much but it would make me feel alot better. Thats basically the short version... so what do you think about it? is there anything i should add that gonna help me or anything i need to know? Any help is much appreciated Shine
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