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Everything posted by GiveMeMoreHair

  1. I had been using minoxidil for 7 years. I'm now 7 weeks post transplant and was told to restart minoxidil after 2 weeks. On the 15 th day, I restarted minoxidil only to see quite a few hairs on my pillow the next morning! I stopped using it again and my pillow had minimal hairs on it the following mornings. I gave it another week and tried using minoxidil again only to see more hairs again on the pillows the next morning! Alarmed, I stopped using it until after 6 weeks. I gave it a try again a few days ago and noticed the same results on my pillows the next morning. I know minoxidil is supposed to help but I'm not sure if it's doing more harm than good. I gave it 3 tries and now I'm thinking of completely stopping it. Has anyone else had a similar experience with minoxidil after their transplant?
  2. Just completed a HT with Dr. Hernandez on Monday. Everything went smoothly and I hope all the grafts will stay where they were planted. I felt no pain and really don't recall much of the procedure as I was given some of that memory loss drug. It's been 3 days post-op and the healing process is coming along nicely. I will post some before and after pics in 3-4 months as that's when the transplanted hairs are suppose to fill in - keep my fingers crossed. I would definitely recommend a trip down to Mexico as the cost was 1/4 of what they were asking in Canada. Happy hair growth!
  3. Great review Bonanza. Any updates on the success or your new hair? I thought she was using FUE from another post but you mention the strip in your last post. Please confirm if she stapled the back of your head and if you're happy with the results now that it's been over a year. Thanks.
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