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Posts posted by tacolinowest

  1. ask him if your donor density is good, tell him that you wish to plan for future baldness, future surgeries, ask him if he has pics of people with your type of hair loss be4 and after pics, price wise i think4-5$ a graft is good for strip, and 8-9 for fue,, those are both coming from top docs in nyc area, also if you live in california and wish to have fue i would look into dr umar, haven't heard much about the doc you were talking about

    good luck

  2. im doing a strip surgery in april,, and i have a plan when it comes to the scars,, if the scar is noticeable or hard to cover up im going to goto HIS hair clinic and have that scar camouflage thing done to it,, basically they will draw little black dots into the scar so its alot less noticeable,, so maybe something you can look into

  3. Here's what you gotta do, brah: shave your head. Don't be a pussy. Shave that dome bald. Do you like it? Does it look OK? Would it look OK if you hit the gym and got some muscle definition? (but don't overestimate the effects of this. i sometimes see ripped as hell, but skinny bald dudes who I just think look weird)


    If this look doesn't work for you, you GET AN HT. I'm sorry for the caps. I'll just describe myself now. I cut it, forgot about it, then saw an old pic years later when I was thinking about cutting it again. Not an option. Looked absolutely terrible.


    6 month post op. Am I glad I did it?? Yes I am. Do I now have great hair? Nope (well, in poor lighting it can look kind of baller), just looks somewhat OK. Does it look better than before? HELL YEAH. I got to the point I was depressed to even look at myself in the mirror, so I just stopped. Now here's the kicker: am I still losing hair? Unfortunately, yup. I tried going back on Finasteride 1/4ths, but it turned me into a little bitch, so I couldn't stick with.


    Do I regret it? No. I had implants on the sides to deal with the recession there in addition to my hairline. This is important because hairpieces can be convincingly placed further forward the more hair you have on your sides. In other words, as your side hairline recedes, any hairpiece you wear will have to be worn higher and higher.

    so what kind of probs did you have on the quarter dose of fin?

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