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Everything posted by BenS1

  1. Thanks for your replies. To be honest, there is no MPB in my family. My Dad has a full head of hair still (And yes he definitely is my Dad as I have the exact same ears (Unfortunately)). I've not tried minoxidil or finasteride as I'm not really a fan of playing around with my bodies chemistry and hormones. I'm not saying that others shouldn't use it, but for me I'd be happier with a hair transplant than using long term medication. Thanks again Ben
  2. I'm 36 years old and I've been losing my hair for probably 15+ years now. Its not receding from the front at all, rather its a large radius from the crown.... what I'd call a Friar Tuck style. Anyway, I'm seriously considering a hair transplant, especially now that I've seen that it doesn't necessarily cost ?30k as all the newspapers in the UK always report. Obviously, as with any surgery, its very important to make sure you're getting a good surgeon if you want good results. There are lots of sites giving advice (Including this one) but much of it is saying stuff such as "make sure you go with someone personally recommended" etc, however as I don't personally know anyone who has had the surgery I can only ask here. Unfortunately the "Find a Quality Physician" service on this site only lists a single clinic in the whole of the UK, the Farjo clinic. Should I interpret that as meaning that they are the best, or does it mean that they are the only people that have been checked in the UK? Also, when looking for advice I see that some clinics are pushing FUE as the modern solution and strip transplants (Is that the same as FUT?) as the old way.... whereas others are saying FUE is a bit overhyped and FUT is actually the best. My concern with FUT is that a linear scar may be fine now, but what if I continue to go bald and ultimately go completely bald when I'm older... I don't really want obvious scars (I know FUE also scars but I believe its less noticable?). Anyway, does anyone have any recommendations for clinics in the UK? Is Farjo a leading and recommended clinic? Thanks Ben
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