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Posts posted by RCKHair

  1. Hello everyone, hmm where do I start. I'm 21 years old and started losing my hair three years ago due to unfortunate circumstances. Senior year of high school I played football and took pro hormones that were all the rage at the time and I suffered extensive hair loss that I never recovered from. I was devastated and immediately put in research to see what my options were. I went to see a hair specialist to get a script for Propecia but the doctor said I was too young and wouldn't prescribe it for me. Next best thing I can do is try Minoxidal 5% which I tried with horrible results. I shed like crazy to the point where I thought I'd lose all my hair within weeks. After two weeks and bunch of hair in my shower, I discontinued it. At that point, I found an online website that sold Propecia and so I began taking those then on and off. It wasn't until I turned 20 did I finally get a prescription for Finastride which was cheaper and i stayed on that ever since. When I turned 21 this past June and after my hairloss has stabilized, I began looking into HT. I chose Dr. Lindsey because in doing my research he stood out for me as a genuine, experienced doctor who put out consistent results. I emailed SPEX and he linked me to Dr. Lindsey. Because I lived in Michigan, I couldn't see Dr. Lindsey for a consultation in his office so instead I had to send him pics. He was always prompt in replying to me emails and concerns and eventually I booked my procedure for 1-11-13. Dr. Lindsey said he would be happy to do a 1500 procedure via strip.


    My surgery was Friday but I had to see Dr. Lindsey Thursday so he could give me instructions as well as the medications for the procedure. I drove to his office, about a 7 and a half hour drive. I got to his office around 1 pm and was greeted by the doctor himself who didnt recognize me at first :P I filled out some paperwork then followed him to his office where we discussed the game plan. He checked my donor area which he found to be very dense :) He said I had great thick hair which he attributed to my Middle Eastern background. He set me up for 1500 grafts, gave me my prescriptions and told me to be at his office the next morning by 7:20 a.m


    Next morning I was at the office at 7 a.m Dr. Lindsey came in and took me to his office to draw the lines. I liked the hairline he drew and next came the shaving off of the donor area. He gave me one valium pill and a few minutes Dr. Lindsey came in to give me my shots :( They hurt but were manageable. I received more shots than usual because my head would not get numb. Next was the removal of the strip which went really well and fast. I really didnt feel a thing and the process was made easier by the friendly techs who held random conversations with me.


    Dr. Lindsey then poked the holes on my hairline and the techs began inserting the grafts. This process took around 4 hours but it didn't seem that long as the techs were super friendly and engaging in their conversations. I did doze off here and their. Dr. Lindsey would come in constantly to check on their work and check on me. After all the grafts were placed, I asked Dr. Lindsey what was the total graft count. He said my hair was even denser than they thought at first and my strip yielded a little more than 2500 grafts! I was ecstatic of course and Dr. Lindsey being the person he is didn't charge me a dime more. Thats 1000 extra grafts for free :D After the procedure was done, Dr. Lindsey gave me the post op instructions and sent me on my way. I couldn't thank him enough and I still cant. That night I spent it at the hotel and I left back home that following morning on Saturday.


    Now all their is to do is wait.








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